New here!

by gypsytart 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • becca1

    Welcome Gypsytart! That is a really cool name!

    Don't worry about getting old. Enjoy each day and each stage of your life for what it brings. Don't end up like my mom who, though she is relatively healthy and still beautiful at 82, thinks she is ugly and hates every moment of her life because she never counted on getting old in this system of things. She simlply cannot wrap her brain around still being on his side at 82. Belive me, it's no way to live.

  • twinkletoes

    Welcome Gypsy Tart

    I like your name, the tart was a favourite of my step-daughter when she was at school, but I could never find a recipe for it.

    We (husband Kaytee & self) felt just like you when we realised that we had been duped all those years (over 30 yrs) and the best years of our life had been taken up with the JWs. Its so difficult to accept that we might never know the true meaning of life. I have read many books and looked at different translations of the bible. Its difficult to accept that we don't have an answer for everything anymore. But there isn't much we can do about it and 30+ years have already been wasted in the JWs, so I don't want to waste anymore. I will still keep on reading though and hoping that there is a powerful force out there who does have something lined up for this earth and mankind.


  • twinkletoes


    Gypsy Tart - do you have the recipe, or is it just a matter of combining the evap with the sugar and putting into a pastry case?



  • mouthy

    I find it very difficult and depressing thinking I'll get old, wrinkly, ect etc and die eventually

    Hey Listen sweetie.... The above is where I am!!!LOL!!!! Old !!!wrinkled etc,etc, I was supossed to be young & beautiful by the WT 1975... My baby was never gonna go to Kindergarten, ( she died at 46 OUT of the WT Thank GOd. ) If you are really afraid to die.... Then you dont know the truth as I have found it. WE ARE all going to die ..... No matter what the Witchtower says. It is appointed once to die for us all. But Now I am FREE!!!!!! OLD, WRINKLED,ETC.ETC. It is the Happiest time of my life. I love Creation that I believed GOD Created, ( with Jesus & the HOLY SPIRIT)I have more friends in my life who really do care about me ( My own family musnt speak to me They are still in the WT) I have one daughter out also She is a GOD SEND!!!My advice to you is pray!!! stop listening to the old devils tool ( the WT) ...Start looking at your blessings. Do you have a roof over your head? a clean bed? food in the fridge? then your blessed- If you dont let me know your address I will help you get the above . Food!!!!

    Sorry this will offend some but you asked I answered.... Mouthy

  • gypsytart

    My apologies mouthy - it did sound as if I was saying that being old is the worst thing that could ever happen!! Yes I have a lovely house, beautiful 7 year old daughter and wonderful partner. I've given up work to do a psychology degree - life is pretty good really! I think what I'm worried about is - what a shame if we're here for just 70/80 years and then that's it? And no that doesn't mean I wish to live forever surrounded by JWs and having my life run by elders for eternity!! I just finished reading a book called 'Life after Life' - I forget the name of the author but it's about near death experiences. I'm not sure it's convinced me there is anything for us afterwards, but I like to hope there is.

    Changing the subject slightly - for those who are interested, gypsy tart recipe as follows...

    400g tin evaporated milk, 340g dark muscovado sugar, 1 10 inch pre-baked shortcrust pastry case

    pre-heat oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6/ adjust for fan assisted ovens

    Whisk milk and sugar together for at least 10 mins until mixture light, fluffy and coffee coloured, pour into pastry case, bake for 8 - 10 mins. Eat when cold! (in my case, eat the whole lot before other people in my family realise I've made one and want some )

    It's scrummy. Think I might go make one now!

  • BizzyBee


    Welcome! All I can say is that the great thing is that by the time it happens to you, you will much better prepared than you think you are now. Make sense? By time we see ourselves age and our parents die, our maturity and life-experience actually makes it all kind of make sense. Give yourself another twenty years to come to grips with it - it gets easier every year, IMHO.

  • MsMcDucket

    Just wanted to say hello to you. I use to feel the same way you did. Now, I don't worry about Armaggedon any more. Heck! I don't even know how to spell it. I think if there's a God he's not going to kill me for not being a Jehovah's Witness. I don't know if there's an afterlife??? Just try to treat others as you would like to be treated is 'bout all I can agree with now.

    Welcome to the forum!

  • juni

    Welcome Gypsy Tart!

    That's a cute alias. Seems like school lunches are always having something unique served!

    Sounds like you're in a good place in your life. So many blessings.

    Remember a scripture that said, " Seek meekness and ? PROBABLY you will be saved in the day of God's anger." That one always bothered me. Maybe it was a way for God to humble us and not let us think that we have it all in a bag?

    I always felt like I was never doing enough or being "good" enough according to what the JWs taught that God wanted. I always felt guilty of something that would prevent me from entering Paradise. I won't go into the whole story, but finally got out.

    I've learned to enjoy each day. No one likes the thought of mortality. But that is how life goes. Take each day and enjoy it and those around you. As you get older the thought of passing on isn't the same as when you are younger. I'm 57. You do slow down w/aches and pains. Stuff that used to bother you doesn't anymore. You sort through what is important and just let the rest go. And I'm still working at doing that more fully. lol

    Nice that you joined us on the forum. There are a lot of good people here. I hope that what they have to say will help you hon.



  • anglise

    Welcome to the board Gypsy Tart


  • mouthy

    My apologies mouthy - it did sound as if I was saying that being old is the worst thing that could ever happen

    Please dont apoligize !!!!!! I dont offend !!!! That is what happens when you find the GOD of REAL LOve!!!! I know you were not being nasty ----- Just telling how you felt that is what this board is for HONESTLY TELLING IT LIKE IT IS... We are all here to SHARE!!!!

    (((HUGS))) Mouthy

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