WTC Eight Black Boxes Dedtroyed

by Satanus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay


    If this news article turns out to be acurate, it indicates something serious is being covered up. The point is, why would there be anything to coverup? If they are, something stinky went on.

    Care to go out on a limb and speculate?

    Here's mine: The black boxes contain the very calm, cool and collected conversations between the pilots and, after disconnecting with the FAA towers, the military. But then gov't agents aren't known to carry out such a plan to their own deaths. hmmmmm......

    Some of the smell will get out and sharp nosed ones will no doubt pick it up. One just needs to wait and listen, but not to tv and radio.

    You mean radio and tv isn't telling the whole story? You're kiddin', right?

    As far as the pr agency.... seen Wag the Dog?


  • Satanus


    Maybe i should see wag the dog.

    One news piece said their were remarkably few pasengers on those planes............. Extrapolate this.........


  • Seeker

    Want to really go out on a limb? I'm not saying I believe this, but I could see this as a plausible explanation: The U.S. knew about these attacks in advance. The NSA today admitted they intercepted communications from the terrorists in advance, overhearing the plans. But the NSA said they did not get around to analyzing their intercepted data until AFTER the attack took place, which is why they didn't give a warning.

    What if they actually did get the information in advance, knew of the attack, and were told to hold off on the information by the Bush administration. What if they figured the planes would do some damage, but not the total collapse that actually happened? What if they figured that this limited damage (that they imagined would happen) would be enough to basically institute their plans for the country, and that thus the dead Americans (a few dozen at most, they figured) would be worth it.

    Of course, the results were worse than anyone imagined. But it still gives them the chance to go around the world, carte blanche, and kill anyone they want, no other nations giving them any grief. For an administration that has been adamant about ripping up peace treaties, picking fights with China, and basically setting up this country for a new agressive stance against the world, this time is like kid-in-the-candy-store for them. They get to kill people again! Let's go git bin Laden and git everyone else while we're at it.

    Plus they get the added bonus of being able to sneak through Congress all sorts of draconian laws they've been trying for years to get passed but have been blocked by the Constitution. Now they can wave their flags and pass the laws, and the media won't even cover it for they are too busy waving the flag themselves! The big lie of conservatives is that they want smaller government. Individual conservatives do want smaller government, but conservatives in power just want more power. Well, now they got it, in spades.

    In short, with any event, ask yourself, Who benefits? The Bush administration just benefited big time, in multiple ways, from what just happened. Now maybe they are totally innocent, and are just taking advantage of a big present that was given to them by bin Laden. Or maybe they heard about the plans ahead of time and decided to accept limited damages (not dreaming the Towers would actually collapse) in order to push for what they think is needed for this country.

    As I said, this is wild speculation. But governments of the world have proven to be so untrustworthy over the decades that it certainly isn't implausible that something rotten is going on.

  • SixofNine
    It depends on what they are covering up.

    From the view the public gets there should be nothing to cover. If this news article turns out to be acurate, it indicates something serious is being covered up. The point is, why would there be anything to coverup? If they are, something stinky went on.

    The mysterious THEY strikes again.

    This world would so much more tolerable if it was commonly accepted that every use of the word "they" took 1 hour from our lifespans. By "our" I mean "all of us humans". By "they" you mean "an unspecified someone/s specifically". Why not be specific? If you mean "black people" say "black people", if you mean "Gary Condit working with the flag manufacturing cartel" why not just say "Gary Condit working with the flag manufacturing cartel"?

    I know, "they" is so much easier to type.

  • Satanus


    Israel benefited enormously from this, and will continue to benefit. The holocaust benefits jews enormously every single day, and will continue to benefit for years to come.


  • SixofNine
    As I said, this is wild speculation.

    I have no love for politicians, but I have to ask, how would you like to be accused (or even speculated about) of cold blooded murder and traitorism?

  • Satanus


    Good point. The THEY in this case would be mainly the fbi and its masters.


  • Englishman

    Take a peek inside London Heathrows Air Traffic Control centre and you will see banks of recording devices that monitor and keep a permanent record between all ground to air conversations with pilots.
    This is a standard requirement around the world, in use at all airports.

    So, even though the black boxes will contain valuable data, the pilots will have made some indication to ground control of events taking place in the run up to the hijacking, and this will be on tape in the relevant ATC centre.

    My bet is that the authorities know plenty and are avoiding this issue for reasons that we can only guess at.


    Stay Alive 'Til '75!

  • Seeker
    I have no love for politicians, but I have to ask, how would you like to be accused (or even speculated about) of cold blooded murder and traitorism?

    I wouldn't like it a bit, and I didn't actually make an accusation. On the other hand, since history is full of examples of politicians who turned out to be cold blooded murderers and traitors, I wouldn't be shocked if it happens again.

  • Satanus


    You realize that the nice leaders of the wt could be cold blooded or murderous, ie death because of lack of blood transfusion or a virtual death through dfing? The point is, organisations take on a life of their own. They do whatever they can to survive and flourish. Take the lies and shenanigans of the wt and multiply it by a million or a billion times. That's what a huge organisation such as the american govt with all of its branches and parts is capable of. The wt has tried to hide its dirt. The govt is much better and much more ruthless at this.

    I could be too negative. The govt does good too. The wt has done some good as well.


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