Whoa! My mother just called.......

by kittyeatzjdubs 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    whoawhoawhoawhoa.....hands still shaking from this one.....


    So lately, it seems that every dream I've been having is about my mother. Please see: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/122711/1.ashx

    And then I had one last night where she came to tell me she was going to Hawaii (?) for 10 days. I started freaking out and holding her, and I wouldn't let go. I remember in the dream she carried me to my room and tucked me in my bed...

    So I'm sitting here at work on a call, and my cell starts buzzing. I glance at it and it's a number from Florida. Right away, my hands started shaking and I felt like I was hyperventilating. I didn't answer, and then my voicemail icon popped up. She left me a message asking me to call her back. Then I really started freaking, b/c the last time this happened it went something like this: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/115892/1.ashx

    So I just gathered myself, and called her. And it went GOOD! She basically said she just wanted to see how I was doing, how I liked my new job, and how I liked living on my own. We talked to each other about our pets and she told me to call her every now and then since I have her number now.

    And she said, ''I love you,'' when she told me bye...I said, ''I love you too mom.''

    God I just want to go scream and cry and laugh, and run down to Florida and see her and hug her....but I have to keep it together and do my job here at work. Can't get emotional can't get emotional...

    My head's going to explode.

    It just hit me that I miss my mom...

    ~luv, jojo

  • skyking

    Hang in there.

  • sir82

    Very happy for you...

    I'm beginning to think that, as the number of DF'ed & DA'ed & faded "bad associations" continues to increase, the pressure to conform to the society's hard line of "no contact" will reach some sort of critical mass or tipping point.

    At some point, there's going to be a lot more reaction like your mom's, who in effect say to the Society, "screw you, I'm still her mother" and associate with their family, regardless of status.

    Imagine the effect of having a majority of JWs ignore the Society's mandates to avoid association with DF-ed family. With fear of isolation & shunning gone, the organization would collapse like termite-riddled house.

  • nicolaou

    Vey, very cool jojo!

    So happy for you.

  • sandy

    I'm so happy for you. I got all teared up over here. I wish you the best with your mom.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I'm beginning to think that, as the number of DF'ed & DA'ed & faded "bad associations" continues to increase, the pressure to conform to the society's hard line of "no contact" will reach some sort of critical mass or tipping point.

    At some point, there's going to be a lot more reaction like your mom's, who in effect say to the Society, "screw you, I'm still her mother" and associate with their family, regardless of status.

    Imagine the effect of having a majority of JWs ignore the Society's mandates to avoid association with DF-ed family. With fear of isolation & shunning gone, the organization would collapse like termite-riddled house.

    Now I'm wondering how long this is going to last....is she really wanting to stay in contact, or will she drop me again after a week? You have to remember....I haven't had contact with her for basically 2 years, aside from that crazy voicemail she left me back in June... I just don't want to get hurt again. As much as we fought and cried and yelled...I still love her...she's my mother...I would love to have a relationship again. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.

    ((((megsmomma)))) That's happened to me before.

    ~luv, jojo

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

  • james_woods

    I don't know whether to call you JoJO or K.eatsJDubs...but,

    I would honestly be very careful in handling this development. We had an old saying when learning to fly -

    "you have to know if you are flying the airplane, or you are letting your airplane fly you..."

    You are the only one who can really know (other than your mom) in this case. I would be careful not to try to exploit it if it were me...(or to let Mom exploit your love and missing for her). I would just accept that she "blinked first" even if it did take two years, and not get sucked into another confrontation by trying to move too fast.

    The way you left things in that conversation may be the very best you can hope for right now.

    Good Luck, James

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I'm happy for you that it was a positive call ! I remember growing up how my mom would vacilate back and forth shunning my brother . As a mother she would have truly normal moments and act accordingly . Then some stupid @ss article would come out in the Watchtower and guilt her back into dubton . I admit that I also did it. After I was married to a JW , and we tried hard to live by the rules .Yet ignoring my conscience caused me great emotional distress ....Why do you think so many witnesses suffer anxiety attacks and depression ? This is really why I use the post name of troubled mind . For years I learned to shut off my inner logical reasonings, and allowed myself to be mislead into believing that listening to my consciecne is bad and can not be trusted "the heart is treacherous" you know . So enjoy your mother's moment of normalcy and pray she has many more in her .

  • Elsewhere

    Sounds like a classic JW Hit-n-Run... She shunned you for a long time then out of the blue called and said she misses and loves you and then, POP, she's gone again for who knows how long.

    My biological family does that ever few years and it pisses me off. I don't want anything to do with a half-ass relationship. Either it's 100% or nothing at all.


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