Sometimes I miss the friendships and good times......

by Alana 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alana

    There was a JW funeral I attended this past Saturday at the congregation where I grew up and where my mom still attends. Most all of my childhood friends were there. They had a movie/slide presentation playing at the back of the funeral home of different events, family members, congregation members, etc. It was really nice and brought back such good memories. But it also made me sad, because I miss a lot of that. Many of them are also all interrelated, so it was just about like a family reunion. It was hugs and jokes and happy memories with those whom I was closest to growing up (except for one who feels too superior to speak to me).

    Since I am not DA’d or DF’d at this time, so many came up and hugged me and met my husband and were so excited to see my daughter. Oh, there were a few who were cold or avoided us… we would contaminate them. But, for the most part the ones who mattered were wonderful. I still email jokes and pics with some of them, in order to keep some line of communication open. I got to see my first mother-in-law…..we hugged long and hard and she had tears in her eyes (her son is DF’d and she doesn’t see him or his family much and I know that hurts her). She is one of my most special people on earth.

    Anyway, it did make me very sad later because that is one thing I miss about being out…..the jokes, friendships, the feeling of belonging. I was one of the few not related to anyone at the Hall when I was growing up, but I was included just like family anyway. We were a small rural congregation, so if we didn’t have each other, then we were just alone (at least until we could drive to other places). I miss being part of the group…..the joking, the camaraderie, the togetherness. I have to admit, though, that this was basically only from my home congregation. When I moved out on my own and attended larger congregations in bigger cities, that feeling wasn’t there as much. It was also much more ‘conditional’ in other congregations…..if you didn’t go out in service a lot or missed any meetings or weren’t rich or weren’t related to someone…..then you were easily forgotten.

    However, I miss what I had growing up. I miss it now. Oh yeah, a couple said we need to get together outside of funerals…..but I won’t hold my breath for an invite (some have non-JW spouses and family they associate with, so it wouldn’t be totally out of the question to actually receive an invitation to cook-out or something)…..but, it still probably wouldn’t be the same.

    My husband says to just make new friends and get involved in church or a club or something. But, I purposely do not open up to new people much and it still wouldn’t be the same as someone with whom you have years of memories from childhood on. I hate it that this religion has to cause divisions like this… that if you leave, you leave things like this and if you stay for the family and/or friendships you have to sacrifice your beliefs or have to be a hypocrite or something.

    I just had to vent………………thank you for listening.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    (((((Alana)))))) I was feeling like that this past weekend .We live in a smaller rural area too. My husband and I have been in this hall since our teen years . Two thirds of the hall is related . I miss some of the ones that we share so much history with . Even though I am making new friends they will never share the moments we have with those that watched our kids grow up together . My husband was talking with one of our old friends at work and catching up with their family news . But you know what none of those supposed friends have bothered to call or care , so why should I feel bad ? I miss them in a way , but in another way it is a weight lifted off . Because obviously it was a one sided friendship .

  • ocsrf

    Everything you wrote could of been from my memories and thoughts. That is exactly what I miss too. Seems like once you move on either as a JW or not, those childhood relationships and feelings are hard to come by. I find myself not trying as hard as I should, perhaps that is the answer to the issue.


  • jaguarbass

    Belonging is a basic human need which many con men and 2 bit pulp publishing houses exploit.

    When juvenilles join gangs and commit crime, belonging is a need they are fulfiling. We have to be careful how we fill our needs.

  • girasole

    I can relate so much to what you said, Alana. Thank you for sharing. I too, have had a difficult time with moving beyond that aspect of breaking away. I have no regrets in any other matter, just that one. And I don't really feel regret - I just hate that it has to be that way. Like you, I was never DF'd or DA'd so when I run into witnesses around town most will speak. Others, like you mentioned, will keep their distance.

    It's funny that you should post that now - just this weekend my best friend from when I was in the org sent me a letter. I was so taken aback. Four years ago she told me that if I continued on the path that I was on (ie - not attending meetings and not fully being part of the org) that we could no longer be friends. We have not spoken since that day. Then this weekend I get this letter from her which sounds like she wants to reconnect. I'm struggling now with how to respond. After I left, most had a way of turning it around and making it seem like it was ME who was shunning them and that they still wanted to be friends. However, they only wanted to be friends as long as they knew that they were working towards bringing me back - not a genuine unconditional kind of friendship. Anyhow, I had been friends with this girl for 11 years - we grew up together. I know that for as long as I live no one will ever replace what we had because there is definitely a special bond and connection between those who grew up together and manage to stay close (which we did at least until our early 20s when I decided to break away from the org). When I think about it, it leaves me with a horrible empty feeling inside.

    I think jag makes a good point that yes, they filled the need for belonging but is that really the kind of belonging that you want? When I first left I pondered whether or not I should go back and pretend to believe so that I could maintain my family and friend relationships as they were. But I just can't imagine ever going along with that lifestyle again - professing to believe things that I know I don't believe - pretending to be encouraged by things that don't really encourage me - seeming to condone actions by witnesses and elders that I do not agree with. That thought is even more painful than thinking about the friends that I have lost - because it wouldn't be true to myself. It wouldn't be authentic.

    And I also know that it would be foolish of me to assume that if I did go back that relationships would pick up where they were before I left. I'm far too changed for that. When I can manage to keep my emotions out of it, I know that I want people as my friends who can appreciate me for ME and not on how well I adhere to the rules and conditions of an organization.

    All the best,

  • orangefatcat

    I read your story, and like many of us we did have good times in the congregation. But we have to look at the whole big picture.

    Sure it is great to have friends to cajole with or hang out with, but for many it is just a facade. Many are truly unhappy being in the organization so to make themselves feel good they seek out good times with witnesses.

    This comes to an end. Stop and ask yourself this question. If you need a true genuine friend to talk to about something of a serious nature, or you want to talk about your deep seated feelings do you truly believe that a fellow witness would be there for you? Or would they just forget about calling you, or speaking with you at the hall because they don't want to get involved with peoples personal lives. I have found out that those who listen to your deep seated thoughts run and tell others in the Kingdom Hall, and before you know it it is gossip time.

    As from a religous point of view I can't justify stepping back into a KH. after all the lies the organzation has told. They are worse then the churches of Christendom because they flounted there ways as being truthful and they were different from other relgions. It seemed all well and dandy for J. Rutherford to exclaim that all religions are a snare and a racket. He should have looked at his own organization before pointing at others.

    There are some wonderful fun groups at churches. Many have crafters, other have card games and bingo. You can find some great people in volunteer work. It is rewarding to you and also those whom you serve. Visiting a senior and reading with them or just talking to them brings them much happiness.

    I knowthis is to be true as I have done this in my life. It helps built nice friends and lasting thanks from many people who are genuinely grateful for your time and kindnesses. Can you count on your hand the number of times a JWs has said they appreciated you and the good things you do .. Let me know because I doubt it very much.

    There is great rewards in finding groups of friends who are c rafter, scrapbookers, book clubs and senior groups.

    Just my opinion, I hope it helps


    Orange fat cat.

  • tijkmo

    i was at a kh for a wedding on saturday...

    it was ok

    the family that i was closest too for about the past 20 years...closer than even my own..the son was getting married..the daughter got married about 4 months ago..and i was invited to neither.

    i learned about them by accident just a couple of days before each one so i decided to go and see the wedding anyway. most people were pleasant enough. you get the inevitable ignorant ones.

    but i know what you mean...i still miss it...and the fact is i could get it all back, friends, family, position, outings, weddings, soccer, if i just went and wouldnt be hard cos i loved everything about being a jw....but that was because i believed it...and now i dont..and i just cant pretend in order to get back the things i miss

    good times

  • brunhilda40


    I am a non JW who is in the process of losing a good friend who is JW because I am a lesbian... long story and if you check my posts you can read the chat. Anyways, If my friend reached out to me, I would respond. As I have learned on these boards, that sometimes leaving the door open just a crack... helps for healing and ultimatley perhaps getting someone out of this cult. I really did not want to believe at first that JW was a cult, I wanted to be tolerant and accepting... Anyways good luck with your friend, I say follow your heart!



  • esw1966

    It feels good to vent doesn't it!

    We all need someone to talk to at times! It is a difficult process leaving behind the only life you knew of and to start anew.

    I am in your shoes as well. I was raised as a jw at the age of 9 and I have many memories as well. There were good times had.

    I am striving to get involved in my church as well. I do camera and have attended Men's Breakfasts and small groups. I think it is important to make new friends as well.

    In my opinion, my friends at the hall were NOT happy and they did not have joy. While I love them, they were in an abusive relationship and I suffered for it as well. I think they are best left where they are. There friendship was not for me, but to keep me in an abusive religion that stole my joy and my personality.

    I try to help them, but it is to no avail. They will reap the fruits of their own poor choices. While I remember the good times and my love for them will continue, I view it as Paul did when he said that he considers it all refuse for the sake of the good news. I found something much better and I never would have found it in their grasp.

    Keep the good times in your heart and realize that those times are in your past and create wonderful times now and in your future with people who are whole and happy! You will benefit greatly and maybe THEN you can help your old friends by being happy and whole too!

    Sorry for your friends passing.

    I hope much happiness for your future!

  • Sassy

    You know I said something similar to my bf this past week. I has surgery this past Wednesday and was in for a couple of days and received no phone calls, no visitors, no flowers. My bf didn't understand what that was such a big deal. I said he didn't understand, this isn't what as JWs we are used to.

    When someone is in the hospital, not only do your friends visit you in the hospital, but half the time they bring a hotdish over to your house for you family or when you get home. That is what I am used to. Love and Support.

    As much as we as xJWs scream to the rooftops what fair weather friends our dub friends were, for they leave us for us not sticking to the WTS plan..

    sometimes I miss the friendships I did have though when I was in. Thats how I've been feeling the last couple days.

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