Come lie down with me
JW foreplay
by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social humour
well, you gotta start somewhere!!!
It is scriptural - in Genesis Potiphar's wife asks Joseph to Come lie down with her
and he ran like I guess that is not a good approach.
Its not scripural in a good way.
We all knew it was bad because in the Book Of Bible Stories they made Potiphars wife really ugly. That was the clue that he wasnt supposed to do it.
all depends on which way the heads are facing. :-)
Lets go out in the field service.
Oh, how exciting !!!
Oh I Iove the way you say Nebukadnezar.
(Genesis 30:14-15) 14 Now Reu´ben went walking in the days of the wheat harvest and got to find mandrakes in the field. So he brought them to Le´ah his mother. Then Rachel said to Le´ah: "Give me, please, some of your son’s mandrakes." 15 At this she said to her: "Is this a little thing, your having taken my husband, with your now taking also my son’s mandrakes?" So Rachel said: "For that reason he is going to lie down with you tonight in exchange for your son’s mandrakes."
(Genesis 39:12) 12 Then she grabbed hold of him by his garment, saying: "Lie down with me!" But he left his garment in her hand and took to flight and went on outside.
But he left his garment in her hand and took to flight and went on outside.
That's because he was secretly gay. He had no desire at all to see this woman's (or any other's for that matter) twa.