It's National JW Bowling Night!

by Nosferatu 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Yes carla its true. So anyone out there that is dying to get their hands on that new tract so that they can learn the truth about Jehovah - just go to the nearest bowling alley tonight after sundown and ask the huge gathering of Witnesses for one. Any real Witness should have some in his/her bowling bag as you must be prepared at all times to give a witness.

    My Halloween prediction is - that there will be more witnesses in local bowling alleys tonight then there usually are in the local dunkin donuts on magazine saturdays. Lilly

  • caligirl

    We never got to go bowling/ We just turned out the porch light. After a couple of years in the neighborhood, everyone knew we didn't celebrate so there was only the occasional knock from new people or the ones who came from another neighborhood and didn't know us.

    Since it's meeting night, most have a built in reason for not being home tonight anyways.

    As for me, I will be outside at our neighborhood pizza party and living vicariously through my children's enjoyment of all that I never got to participate in!

  • bebu

    How funny. I had no idea that bowling was such a tradition for Halloween. And you know what all traditions lead to, dontcha? ...Worship.

    I wonder if the kids mark down those sitting in the dark as 'do not call'? Or home but hiding?


  • lovelylil

    I forgot it was a meeting night. therefore only those who have their meeting on Wednesday night can go bowling tonight. Unless they meet for bowling after the meeting. We had an early meeting 7 - 8 pm. but on Halloween the elder conducting with shorten it to last only about 40 minutes and then we would go bowling until about 9:30 when most of the trick or treaters were gone. Lilly

  • Undecided

    Let's all go to the KHs and book studies and knock and ask trick or treat and then do a trick, whatever that is.

    Ken P.

  • Warlock

    We never had the bowling thing in my congregation. Good thing for everyone else, though. I would have won every game.

    We did turn off the lights, watch T.V. in the bedroom, and not answer the door.


  • JWdaughter

    For us, it was skating.

  • love2Bworldly

    I think everyone should throw smashed pumpkins on all the local Kingdumb Hells.

  • Genesis

    We put a big flag on the door saying : No halloweener (how creepy is that word lol) and we would hide home watching tv, sometimes we went to the cinema...

    Today is my first halloween since im free and to be honest it feel weird to me even if I dont do anything special. My girlfriend cant stop saying happy halloween, if I was near she lives I would infiltrate his house with a monster mask and scare the shit out of her, dammit long distance relationship.

  • aarque

    Bowling night?????? Gosh...we were supposed to answer the door and hand out older magazines to all the ghoulies who came looking for treats.

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