Holiday Viewpoints and Former Jehovah's Witnesses
Being in the organization the viewpoint was that holidays were
of pagan origin. Whether it was Halloween, Christmas, Easter
or what have you, it was all labeled as being pagan and
There is some truth to that viewpoint
During the course of my personal research there were
a number of web sites and books that agreed with this
position regarding the holidays. One in particular that
comes to mind was The Two Babylons, By The Late
Rev. Alexander Hislop.
Not being able to join in the festivities
Because of the things that we as former Jehovah's Witnesses
were once taught, and because of my own research, I have dis-
covered that I cannot celebrate any of the holidays.
I could not picture myself putting up a Christmas tree
(perish the thought), or becoming involved in any of
these types of festivities.
What has been your personal experience?
When you left the organization how did you deal with
the issue of celebrating the holidays?Did you feel any sort of guilt or feel as if "something
was wrong" when confronted with the issue of cele-
brating the holidays?In general how do you deal with the holidays?
Please post your perspective and viewpoints for a
lively discussion of the matter.
Richard Matos
(The Wanderer)