Also, a person who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses would first consult those in the Christian congregation who have spiritual qualifications to help in these matters.
This bothers me, why do they think its called Anonymous. It takes alot of courage for some to admit there is a problem. It is a private personal matter. I know the organization wants to know your every move. But, now having a daughter that goes to AA meetings, coming from a family with many many alcholics and drug abusers, I have come to respect the arrangement of AA.
I really don't think people who are not alcholics have an understanding of what is going on with the alcoholic. I know I didn't with my daughter. And as a parent, I was apprensive about her going to the meetings and so many. I really did not encourage her at first to go.
I am proud of her, her determination to want life to be different for her, her courage to face her demons.
I would feel that consulting an elder about this matter, one might find themselves before a judicial committee, for sheer lack of understanding that it is a disease. I know I did not understand. I thought it WAS about morality and doing something wrong. This is a time when a person needs unconditional love and encouragement.
Like I said, it is personal and private. My daughter is very closed mouthed about telling me anything personal that is said or who is at the meetings.
just my 2 cents at 2am