Katrina Relief Quickbuilds

by roflcopter 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • roflcopter

    So I had a JW friend stay at my house the past few days after getting back from doing a couple months of work in New Orleans on quickbuilds. He told me all about whats going on there, etc. But one thing really ticked me off, and its amazing the money the WTS is making offa this.

    From what he told me is the WTS is quickbuilding new homes for all the JW's who lost their homes in the hurricane and collecting the insurance payments that the homeowners recieve. Wow what a way to make money! Have all the hardworking sheep build your house back in a day for free, except cost of materials, and collect a big phatty check when your done.

    Anyways I just thought this was interesting and had to share.


  • searcher

    Did your friend say anything about furniture and household items that the insurance is supposed to cover?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hi Roflcopter,

    I got to see the true colors of a lot of people here in the Houston area last year after Katrina and Rita. Made me wonder if the story of the good Samaritan had been ommited from the NWT. A brother came by my house in FS and in the course of our hour long discussion mentioned how much JW were taking care of one another after the hurricanes and how other religions were doing so little.

    The timing couldn't have been better as we stood in my driveway, 5 of the 21 people (all in the US illegally) that my wife and I had taken into our 4 bedroom home (for up to 3 months) came outside. I jumped at the chance to introduce them to my new "friend" and to the elder who had just shown up for re-enforcement. I asked if either of the brothers knew of any work that these hard working, honest people might could do to help themselves. The two avoided my question, returning to a doctinal point and never even asked how they might could help us with that many people.

    In all fairness, my father and mother (Dad's a witness, mom's DA'd) went out of there way with matresses, food, money, etc....

    Thanks to our "pagan" church family who stepped up in every imaginable way... One person even volunteered to pay for our $989 (one month) electric bill.

  • TopHat

    So really the WTS is not rebuilding out of the GOODNESS of their heart, BUT to SCAM the home owner of their insurance money. That is an evil act if ever there was one!

    In all honesty the home owner should only be ask to pay for materials which were donated (50%) more than likely.

  • Honesty

    I just wonder if the homes passed inspection after the dubs finished the work.

  • blondie

    I do believe that the government requires and does the inspections before they can be occupied. The WTS continues to obey this even in regard to the KHs and assembly halls they build. I live in an area that has a lot of JWs in construction so there never has been a problem; I have heard of occasions where the work had to be done over in other states.


  • unique1

    That is just crazy. I agree with the first poster. What about furniture and clothes and kitchen supplies that are to be replaced with that money?

  • Sunspot
    Made me wonder if the story of the good Samaritan had been ommited from the NWT

    Yes....the idea that the JWs would go out of their way to truly help anyone in another religion, for the sake OF helping a fellow human in NEED...seems to have lost its meaning. A lot of new ones fresh out of the WTS may not realize that during hurricane Andrew in FL a few years back, the JWs now like to brag about how "they helped to rebuild" after that disaster.

    It came out later that they fixed up the homes.....but then sent an itemized bill to the owners for the supplies, that were obtained from donation money given TO the WTS! The same thing about signing over the checks from insurance companies also came into play during these "rebuilds". Can't YOU feel the love?

    The example of the good Samaritan tells of how one had taken ALL the needs into account and unselfishly made sure they were covered. No bill was issued after the fact, and as is the custom of the WTS (God's elite chosen religion, of course), the religion of the one in need must be considered before help is offered. There were many cases after Katrina, of those that were JWs but not "in good standing", where help was NOT forthcoming. It got to the point where families and/or individuals who claimed they were JWs, had to be "checked out" by their "loving brothers" before they were stamped as worthy or unworthy to receive aid.

    The WTS is despicable in ALL its dealings.....and does NOTHING FOR ANYONE unless it benefits the WTS! When Jesus instructed HIS followers to lovingly sacrifice THEIR goods and belongings to help the needy in their midst.....we don't see anything in the bible about what religion they have to belong to when He gave that direction. We see the WTS is too good to follow what Jesus said, which proves they have no heart or the Christian attitude at all.

    It's ALL about what THEY can get while bragging how "loving" they are.....and all about the $$$$$ they can rake in.


  • ocsrf

    I agree and disagree with some of what the posters say.

    First off, the biggest problem many are having in N. O. is getting people to show up and do any kind of work at all, little lone good work. Those brothers who do come and help are trying there very best to do a good job and leave the homeowner with a house that is safe and sound. The materials being used are of good quality.

    I agree however, that, the money from the insurance company should not all go to the society if it is above what the mother organization put out in the first place. I feel that some of the money should be dispersed amoung some of the faithful to help with gas and hotel expenses that were incurred. I feel that those doing the work should have a way of turning in a request for expenses, perhaps they do get this and I am unaware of it.

    All in all it is hard to fault an organization that is trying to help. I do agree that more should be done to help the community at large, that is the part of the puzzle that JWs fall far short and why so many can critize them.


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Good points Ocsfr,
    I think it's fair to acknowledge the gifts that anyone gives and no doubt, there are some brothers with a great deal of compassion and generosity.... The point that offends me is the self-promoting, one-sided, attitude that some possess. I was absolutely saturated with that sort of egotisticle crap my whole life.

    It only makes matters worse that the same attitudes seem to be happening today and that the typcal Dub is so willing to be critical of any/all other groups.... even we they know nothing about them. At the risk of copying their behaviour, I'd love to compare the benevolency of several churches in this area up against the local KH's. It's just one more example of some Dub regurgitating the false info that he heard from some other narrow minded twit.

    Along the same lines, I can't beleive how long I avoided corporate worship with any group that wasn't FDS approved for fear of the homosexual/pedofile/pastor leading self-mutilation before the ritual puppy sacrifices to their dark lord! No matter how young I was, I can't beleive that I ever bought in to any of this crap... It's embarrasing and humbling!

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