i took one online tonight.. very enlightening although i take it with a grain of salt as i do any online "quiz".
but it was a fun way to spend 10 minutes. (this place has a lot of fun tests)
By having your unconscious mind driven most by Self-protection, it appears that you've developed a kind of shield to keep you from either experiencing or expressing strong emotions. This barrier might have formed due to some hurtful situation in your past, or perhaps it's simply your way of minimizing discord and pain. Because of this trait, you can typically keep your cool during arguments. As a result, you're not likely to say hurtful things that you'll have to apologize for later. Unlike many people, you're not normally one to fly off the handle. In fact, people with a heightened drive for self-protection often shy away from conflict and can become a bit numb toward others when forced into confrontational situations. As one with this unconscious drive, you might find that you tend to intellectualize emotional issues rather than becoming upset or overwrought. This can be a way of distancing yourself from painful feelings.
Self-protection is a coping technique that can be helpful to you at times when you're forced to deal with distressing incidents like arguments, breakups, or loss. However, by not fully expressing your emotions in sad times, you might forget to express them in happy ones. People who become emotionally shutdown risk missing out on life's upside. In tough times, try to remember that you're likely stronger and more resilient than you give yourself credit for. By being willing to fully engage in the good and bad of life, you can give each day more depth, meaning, and color.