Yes I did it, I finally took my two kids out on Halloween for their first time!!! I will remember this I think for the rest of my life! My two boys, the oldest 9, dressed as a pirate and the youngest 5 as spiderman. They were so excited as their mom never let them out. My dubette wife simply told me do what ever you want, its up to you I give up. They were going crazy all night, I havn't seen my kids happy like this in ages, the last time was this summer when I said, no more convention and they happy as well then. Feels so great, I am so happy I did this... Yes I was feeling guilty at first I admit, but for me it was like breaking the Berlin wall. I do have pictures but will try to get them later as I'm at work now... I can't belive how we are really missing happy moments in life in this stupid cult!
I took for the first time my kids tricker-treating !!!
by Lapuce 11 Replies latest jw friends
Me too!!!
Felt great didn't it!
As much as I hope for the day when my wife has the courage to finally question this bunch of kookballs, I know it will be so painful for her when she realizes how many precious moments and relationships she lost forever just to stay in the good graces of a two bit publishing company that has to indoctrinate readers to keep 'em buying their stupid books and magazines.
The wt is just another thief of always.
I wonder if your wife is secretly happy that you took them out. If shes been brought up in the borg she will remember how much she wanted to do these things as a child.
Before my husband joined me in the org, he used to take them to bonfire night, they absolutley loved it and I was secretly happy they werent missing out, and because it was hubby that was doing it that salved my conscience.
so glad you all enjoyed it. My kids went too and LOVED it. They were so excited and had so much fun. I handed out candy to the kids who came to my door too. My hubby refused to participate but was smiling at the little kids and commenting how cute they looked. I think its just a matter of time before he joins me on the DARK SIDE!!!!!! Just kidding - but really, observing holidays is a conscience matter and the bible says whatever you do "do it unto the Lord" and my kids were very well behaved according to the parents who took them (they went with friends) and said thank you to everyone. As a matter of fact all the kids who came to my door said thank you and were very well behaved.
For goodness sake - how can kids dressing up and collecting candy by bad or demonic? I can't believe how fooled I was. Lilly
AK - Jeff
Though I did not go personally - Wifey took the grandkids for the annual candy fest too!
We never did get the pumpkins carved though - so I guess we'll just have to make a bunch of pies instead. DANG!!!
My ex-wife and I took our son out. He's been before, but this was my first time to actually go Trick-or-Treating.
It was fun, but so many houses had their porch lights off. The one house that was really, really done up... well, that just happened to belong to any ex-gf of mine and her husband! How odd. We drive past their house every day to go to my son's school.
At a couple of the houses, the people said we were only the second group of people to come by. And we had no one at all come by my place. So now I have all this candy left over. I guess next year I'll have to do more than just put a single pumpkin out. Bridge, you'll help, right?
Good for you!!!! I took my daughter to a huge Halloween bash last night and she had the time of her life! I feel so lucky I got out in time to give her a normal childhood (she is 3, I left when she was 1). We carved pumpkins three nights ago, and had so much fun. My husband says its like having two kids because my daughter and I are both new at holidays and we are equally excited!!!
Double good for you, and everybody else who was able to remove this little stick from where the sun does not shine.
We had only about 15 kids last night, but I am so happy to say that I was not hiding in the back bedroom with the lights all off anymore (not since about 30 years, ha!)
Two of them even knew me by my first name, after I pretended to be really really scared of their costumes.
Pirates did seem to be popular this year, just from my small sample section.
Most fun holiday of the year for both parents and kids!
It was nice reading your posts! Gald you are all enjoying the innocents in life!
Sort of off topic, but I just found this pic from Heid Klum's Halloween party and thought it appropriate. Yes, that is her husband, Seal, dressed as Eve and Heidi as the apple/snake.