I just found this place and thought I'd post. I'm a 50+ year old grandmother who was "raised in the Truth". I have been on my way out of "the organization" for several years now, but have moved cautiously because I don't want to jump from the firing pan into the fire so to speak. Here's my question -- I have absolutely NO life reference for the social world of birthdays and holidays. My husband still claims he's going back to meetings "some day", so no Christmas tree in the house or flag in the yard. Also expenditures for holiday presents are a problem. Anybody have any advice for me on transitioning from one "world" into another? Thanks, Nana R
New here
by NanaR 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hi NanaR,
When my wife and I realised the "Truth" was a BIG lie we didn't hesitate to celebrate birthdays, Christmas and Easter! Love the holidays now
I guess it's harder for you because of your wavering husband - but goodness, girl, you have rights in your own home, too!! If you can, tell him you want to celebrate all the good things you've missed out on - and try and get him to come here and read some of the posts. There are many heart-breaking and heart-warming stories.
Looking forward to your future posts!
Welcome to the forum! the right place!
I will leave people on your side of the pond to answer your question.
Welcome, you are making a bold step.
That is a great question you have raised. I too wonder how to celebrate, what the etiquette is, who to invite, who are supposed to receive cards, how much to spend, at what age do you stop celebrating, etc, so hoping you get some good answers.
I left the troof 23 years ago my wife followed 10 years latter. I can take or leave holidays but my wife likes to celebrate and decorate. I buy her a bunch of presents and she buys me a bunch of presents thats how we do it. Same with birthdays, but we usually limit them to 1 present. Cards thats up to you. How much do you want to spend on postage? Its all what you make it. Good luck and happy honika
Welcome Nana - Good to have you here.
Anybody have any advice for me on transitioning from one "world" into another?
I'd suggest spending plenty of time here seeing how ex JWs got their life back after leaving the cult. The more you find out about what the WTS is and what it does to decent people, the more you'll feel comfortable about being away from them and discarding their stupid lifestyle rules. Educating yourself this way will hopefully also help your husband to exit too. Then you can both get on with living.
((((((Nana))))))) Welcome, so nice to have you here. You will find lots of supportive people - I know I did. Just jump into the conversations anytime. Lilly
Welcome Nana!! I am so happy to hear of your leaving the BORG (organization) where you get told HOW to do things. The new world you have entered is FULL OF FREEDOM!! And....NO ONE judges you! (especially here) If you believe in God (and I do) you may believe that he is the only judge.....and he doesn't worry about all the small thing....It is the people like the watchtower society and scribes and pharisee's that do that.
So, do whatever you feel like doing. I am sure that as a woman.......you are a good shopper, so if something strikes your fancy....holiday wise...get it! It is fun! As you get little bits of freedom here and there, it stops feeling so weird. Also, keep knowing that you are doing nothing wrong. It took me a while to PROVE to myself that the Society was lying to us for their own gain.
So glad to have you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Nana!! there is another EX JW in your area. Who has written a good book called "A Jehovahs Witness Finds the TRUTH" Her name is Jean Eason...
Ask around she has spoken at Many Churches in Kentucky........ Welcome to UNconditional LOVE ... we dont pry into what you believe we accept YOU & ask YOU to accept us. Some of us are a little Whacky But I do believe on the whole we are a great bunch....No not coconuts,apostonuts -
Welcome NanaR !
A few more days and you'll be 54! I'm 57 and am nana to 6 grandchildren. I have 4 adult kids.
I'm happy to have you here. I wasn't raised as a JW; baptized when I was 21 and in for 21 years and have been out for 14 years. You can refer to my profile if you'd like. My husband was a MS and he also left when I did. So we have some history that is different from you. I can say though that our family has drawn closer since we've left (kids were raised JWs, but not baptized.) We enjoy the holiday special times together as well as good times during the rest of the year.
I know others here can relate better to your question being that they were raised with never celebrating holidays. But I just wanted to add my greeting w/the other wonderful people here at JWD.