District Assembly Games

by *jeremiah* 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • *jeremiah*

    I left the JW's when I was 17, so most of these games were played during teenage years.

    Here are some things I remember doing with my friends during the assembly:

    1. The last clap. -pretty self-explanatory really. After a brothers talk or when "new light" emerged and the entire stadium would erupt with clapping we would see if one of us could be the very last person in the entire stadium to clap.

    2. The Laugh Game. Try to make your friends bust out in laughter in the middle of a serious talk. This was usually done through drawing funny pictures, making weird faces, or making weird sounds. Many times we weren't even the instigators. If you sat anywhere near a baby or toddler or an old brother, it was almost inevitable that the sound of breaking wind would be soon resonating through your section.

    3. The Binoculars Game. There were many variations of this game. One was that you would use your binoculars to scan across the stadium for others using their binoculars, hoping to lock on to stare into each others binoculars. This was very rare, because although it was easy to find those others using binoculars and although it looked like they were looking right at you, most times they weren't. This was always confirmed through trying to wave at them to see if they would wave back. Other binoculars games included trying to find the hottest sister. "Dude, check out section 327, sixth row from the bottom, I believe she has a shasta in hand right now." How many friends or acquaintances can you locate around the stadium. "Hey there's the Walker family,...I wonder why they sat over in that section." And finally, try to locate the most number of brothers sleeping. This was best played in the afternoon session usually right after lunch.

    4. The Jehovah Game. There was always one or two brothers who when giving their talk would have to say "Jehovah" in the most deep, bellowing and strung out way possible. JEEeeeeeHHOOOOOOVaAAAAAAH. The more talented brothers could string the name Jehovah out for like a good two to three seconds. Let the counting begin. How many times can this brother say Jehovah in their talk?

    Anyone else have any games during the DA to keep things interesting?

  • AuldSoul

    When I was 8-11 years old, I would draw cartoon strips during the sessions and sell them after the sessions.

  • Juniper123

    One time there was an older brother giving the final talk who had that thing were he whistled through his teeth when he talked, so my cousin and I made game of making a slight nod at each other or tapping each other's hand when he did it. How we kept ourselves from falling on the floor in hysterics by the end I'll never know.

  • *jeremiah*


    Yeah, we had an elder like that in our congregation. Anytime he made and "s" sound there was a whistle that came along with it. He always used to say,...."watch out for 'ol shhhneeaaky sshhhnake!"

  • stillajwexelder

    spot the cleavage was my favorite


    Trying to determine if a sister is wearing a thong game. Need to be discrete though.

  • Sunspot

    Anyone else have any games during the DA to keep things interesting?

    I can't say as I had any "games" but I DID try and take copious notes during the talks.....to keep my mind focused and my hands doing something to keep myself from falling asleep. I had to stay AWAKE! to keep my kids from messing around LOL!


  • jonsey

    I did the same thing Juniper would do...but, I always made time for the prowl through the hallways. Memories of the Onondaga War Memorial Conventions...Good Times!


  • lovelylil

    My game during my last few conventions was to tell my hubby I had a severe headache ( I do get migraines) and needed him to take me back to the motel with the kids so I could lay down. He would drop us all off then go back to the convention. My hubby never took the kids to any meetings or anything without me to "handle" them.

    Anyway the kids and I took a short nap - then while my staunch JW hubby sat through the rest of the convention hell that day, the kids and I took a nice dip in the motel pool! I really liked the motels with small arcades in them too so the kids had even more entertainment. Then we would watch HBO or something like that.

    By the time my hubby got back the medicine "just kicked in" and I was feeling better and looking much refreshed. He of course looked exhausted and beat half to death. Ahhhh, the memories. Lilly

  • jonsey


    That is too funny! meeting up with the group to go out afterwards was the best. Half the day was spent on what we were going to do after the convention.


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