I know we have had threads on this board about getting rid of JW literature. They make a lot of the same suggestions, throw it away, use it as liner for the pets, etc but some of their suggestions are down right hilarious. One poster said the literature should be dipped in acid and one poster said she wipes her dogs butt with apostate literature. Umm okay whatever floats your boat. Here are some of the responses:
That is a good question. Do you want a good answer? Here is my philosophy of handling apostate literature. If you come across it, destroy it and trash it. Why destroy it before trashing it? Because you don't want others to read it. Years back, an idiot stick apostate junk from Chino, California on all the cars at the Hall. What I did, I took all the manure off the cars and tored it up and send it back to the address where the manure came from.
But there are other ways to destroy apostate literature. They are:
1. Burn it.
2. Flush it down the toilet. Make sure you tare it to tiny pieces before flushing so it wouldn't get clog up.*
3. Trash it.
5. If you have a M80, blow it up.
6. If you live out in the country and run out of toilet paper, then apostate literature is you next best option. A matter of fact, it should your only option no matter where you at.
7. Use it for your pet litter box.
8. If have a wild animal as a pet, give it to them and watch them tare it up.
9. If you have an out house, then an out house is a best house for apostate literature.
10. Tied the literature back of your car and drag it down the street to millions of pieces.
* PS. I'm not responsible if your toilet clogs up because you flushing apostate literature.
Take the apostate material and shred it with a commercail shredder. Take the shredded apostate material and use it for kitty litter. When the cat is done with it, put the material in a large vat of acid. When the acid turns it all to a liquid, boil it till it evaporates(make sure you use the proper gas filters). Take the filters and then incenerate it.
Now the shredder still has apostate residue in it. The best solution is to take the shredder and smelt it to molten metal. Re-cast it and turn it into pooper scoopers.
Well, thats what I do.
This is how I got rid of my apostate literature.
I had printed out literally everything EW wrote, as well as a few others (including TK 's hillarious "I don't speak Greek but I'll tell you what it says" essays).
First of all I took Robert King's plagarised essays along with my essays expanding "his" research, and put them through a shredding machine, then threw them into the wheelie bin. A few bits ended up as bedding for one of the family pets.
Unfortunately there was so much of Robert King's ramblings that the shredder machine's motor overheated and stopped working. Also my bin was getting full of shredded paper along with the rest of the week's household rubbish.
So as for the rest of his hypocritical self-righteous nonsense, that ended up tied up in a plastic bag from the supermarket, and placed into a large litter bin on the street.
There were a few other bits and bobs, bits of scrap paper with notes on (mostly for my essays or things King has said), which I scrunched up and flushed down the toilet.
I use it to clean my dogs butt.