KM Insert "How Do I View Blood Fractions..." Complete Scan and PDF

by V 79 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Abandoned

    I wonder what they think about the "He that is faithful in what is little is faithful in what is much" scripture, or if that one has a footnote saying it doesn't apply to blood transfusions.

    Sorry, ballistic, I didn't see that you said the same thing. :-)

  • Geko_man

    Just wondering, now that most people here are out fo the JW org, how do you view what the bible says on this matter of blood, like will you know accept a blood transfusion? or just fractions of blood, like a JW would? Or are you following the Bible to the word and not accept any blood/fractions (any part of the blood) at all?

    The blood issue really got me as a kid, cause i remember watching a documentory on tv about snake antivenom and how some of the were made by basically using a cow to process the venom then extract blood from the cow to make the antivenom. They stated that since it's gone throught the cows blood system it still contains fractions of the cows blood. So as a kid i automatically thought right, no snake antivenom is allowed cause it's got fractions of blood in it? According to the JW org tho, you can take the antivenom? And all those other fractions that they reckon is alright cause the bible doesn't mention about the fractions...? Man the bible doesn't state the rules on a lot of things and yet they will still find reasons to dissfellowship people for those...

    The reasons why the JW Org change doctrine over time and gradually? You stick a frog in a pot of boiling water and it'll just straight back out again, but you stick a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to the boil... you get the picture. So many people are going to stay with this religion because of that, i just hope they slip up and turn on the heat too fast and people realise and jump out of the saucepan before they're cooked!

  • under_believer

    > Or are you following the Bible to the word and not accept any blood/fractions (any part of the blood) at all?

    I don't believe that following the Bible to the word requires one to not accept any blood/fractions.

  • Geko_man

    That's fair enough, just wondering how you got to that conclusion, from looking at scriptures such as Lev 17:14, where it states "Y OU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off." It seems that it was pretty solid on no blood at all?

  • jgnat

    My apologies, first off, for jumping in to the blood topic. I'm a never-JW. But I'm a regular Christian and I've been through the bible a few times. One can follow the bible and accept a transfusion on three counts.

    First of all, the prohibition on blood is of the old covenant. Quoting Paul doesn't cut it, because he was making an exception on behalf of Jewish converts, for their comfort. Are you a Jewish convert? No? Then eat your bloody steak in good conscience.

    Second of all, these are dietary laws. Taking a transfusion is not the same as eating blood. Just don't rip out the IV and start sucking on the straw.

    And thirdly, all the laws honor life. To follow a prohibition to the point of risking life is to dishonor the creator of all life, Jehovah God. Jesus illustrated this by asking the Pharisees if they would rescue a donkey from the ditch on the sabbath? How much more valuable is a man's life in the eyes of God!

  • Anitar

    You know what's funny, 50 or 60 years ago, they would have denied the very existence of cells and hemoglobin and would be calling the scientists satanic. The average rank and file died believing the teachings of their precious watchtower back then. How do you think this would make them feel if they could see this now? Do the self-righteous windbags at Bethel care about the families that were torn apart, or even remember them for that matter? Of course not.

    And yet the rank and file keep swallowing the lies, and the watchtower beast charges on.

    Well, not everyone believes it. Just take a look around here. Every one of us is a living testament to the power truth through knowledge, and we can use that power to change the world.

    Peace everyone,


  • under_believer

    Geko_man, do you feel that Christians are still obligated to follow the Mosaic Law? I have an adulteress over here that you need to stone, then...

  • watson

    I will not miss the meeting where this is discussed! In the instructions for the part, it tells the speaker to follow the societies outline closely. It will be a little uncomfortable, but worth it..


  • FreeChick

    Thank you for sharing this information.

    The chart on page 3 is very confusing. The way it is arranged makes it look like everything on that page isn't allowed by Christains. But, that is contrary to what is written on the first page where it says it's a matter of conscience. I had to check back and forth between the two page about three times to make sure I was reading everything correctly. It will be very difficult for many of the JW's to understand this insert. They have made this subject very scientific now and most won't do the needed research to fully understand it.

    It's very upsetting that the WTBS is changing their stance on this subject. Of course, if anyone complains about the change, especially if they have lost a loved one, the org will just say at least the person passed in good standing and faithful and that they will have a chance to be resurrected.

    Errrrrrrrrr, I'm so frustrated and upset right now.

    But so happy to be a...FreeChick

  • Abandoned
    I had to check back and forth between the two page about three times to make sure I was reading everything correctly. It will be very difficult for many of the JW's to understand this insert. They have made this subject very scientific now and most won't do the needed research to fully understand it.

    They really are setting the foundation to reverse this aren't they? I would never have believed it, but this just reeks of a wt smokescreen.

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