My apologies, first off, for jumping in to the blood topic. I'm a never-JW. But I'm a regular Christian and I've been through the bible a few times. One can follow the bible and accept a transfusion on three counts.
First of all, the prohibition on blood is of the old covenant. Quoting Paul doesn't cut it, because he was making an exception on behalf of Jewish converts, for their comfort. Are you a Jewish convert? No? Then eat your bloody steak in good conscience.
Second of all, these are dietary laws. Taking a transfusion is not the same as eating blood. Just don't rip out the IV and start sucking on the straw.
And thirdly, all the laws honor life. To follow a prohibition to the point of risking life is to dishonor the creator of all life, Jehovah God. Jesus illustrated this by asking the Pharisees if they would rescue a donkey from the ditch on the sabbath? How much more valuable is a man's life in the eyes of God!