I had a conversation last night with someone and we were reminescing about the late 60's and early 70's about how a couple of the sisters were telling at the time that they were being molested and sometimes raped by demons. In our cong they were told to open the Bible to a certain scripture and leave the bible open to it at all times and leave a light on. Anyone else remember some of this paranoia?
Did demons ever really rape some sisters?
by hambeak 49 Replies latest jw experiences
Rape is not something to joke about but I truly believe this is JW Urban Legend
I don't know where to start with this one.
So I won't, except to say: No. Demons did not rape some sisters. -
I heard these stories as well. I believe it is hogwash.
I wouldnt mind carnal knowledge of a demon. I bet they are wicked in the sack!
But im sure its never happened.
This is an urban legend. There has never been one documented case proven that a "demon" (however you define this) to have raped anyone. If any event like this actually happened to a sister it was most likely only in her mind, some type of pyschosis (mental illness) that the poor dear was suffering from. Lilly
Some very weird mental cases happening inside this cult...perhaps also a strong need for attention.
Total crap. I remember hearing the stories and it even touched my house -- family legend says that we had demons in the house that required my mother to burn most of my toys to get rid of them. Apparently it was my fault we had the demons because I accepted a present of a doll from one of Mom's studies and she turned out to be a witch . . . or so I was told.
I remember strange things happening at night, but they weren't demons.
kattiekitten I bet you are wicked in the sack too!
Let me clarify Yes I believe it was a result of an over active imagination. In one instance a sister I personally knew (one of my teachers in Jr High) was terribley phisically abused by her husband an Air Force colonel.