Guns n roses were the antichrist at one time lol
Seven thousnd times omited..Hard to believe
by Poztate 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bible translators leave the name "Jehovah" out of the bible, much like the WT Bible interpreters leave the name "Jesus" out of their Watchtowers.
drew sagan
Interesting that a name only used in the O.T. is being taught as having some kind of meaning in Christianity. Sure that name has some importance, but even JWs will have to agree that the most important name according to the Christian Bible is Jesus, not Jehovah.
I brought this up to some Elders that where over my house. They had a fit when I said the most important name is Jesus. All I did was read that scripture in Acts that says it "there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved".
It's just another way they try to make others look evil when there is no real substance to their arguement. -
Here is that quote from the Apostle Peter in Acts 4:11,12. Filled with Holy Spirit, Peter addresses the Sanhedrin and makes this proclomation to them:
11 He is
" 'the stone you builders rejected,
which has become the capstone. 12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be savedNotice it says: He is the stone you builders rejected? Was this Jehovah who was rejected by the Jews? No, that stone rejected was Jesus. This was the whole point of Peters speaking up to the Sanhedrin in Acts 4 - to show them that they have rejected the one (stone) that Jehovah sent to them. Then Peter brings out that there is no salvation found in anyone else but this stone. That is because Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith and from that time forward, it is Jehovah's arrangment that all rest their faith upon his Son. But just like the Jews in Peters time, the JWs refuse to accept it. They say this text applies to Jehovah but they missing the point completely of this verse and the fact that it is Jesus being spoken about here. And they are living by the old way which was salvation through Jehovah only. For christians, our way is through Christ.
Here is the OT verse: Isaiah 28:16
16 So this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
"See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a tested stone,
a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;
the one who trusts will never be dismayedWho is speaking here in Isaiah? Jehovah is and he is saying that he laid the precious stone and that no one who trusts in this stone will be dismayed. This is the verse that Peter was quoting from in Acts 4. He was making a direct link to Jesus being that rejected stone our faith must rest upon. To interpret the Acts verse and apply it to Jehovah then Jehovah here must be saying I the LORD will lay myself the stone as the cornerstone. This verse will not make any sense. We all know that Jesus was the precious, tested stone. Lilly
Y@hovah (Strong's 03068) occurs 6519 times in 5521 verses
Only in the OT.
A Paduan
People shouldn't pull them up on these sort of lies - they should be left to get totally out of hand