Jimbo No paper work needed...You are now offically adopted as an exjw grand child. But I must warn you I sometimes send bad kids to their room So watch it mate !!!
I just realized
by mouthy 34 Replies latest jw friends
I just love your posts. You don't take prisoners and you don't mince words - I'm still not sure if you mince prisoners or not, but either way, I love your style and I'm glad I met you.
I just have to join in here and say I LOVE YOU, Mdm. MOUTHY!!! I'm kindof a new kid here, but the royalty and undying passion and love comes through CLEARLY from you, Dear Grace.
Jeez louise now what's got you goin' on this bucket bit... the cold and gray Winter afternoons getting you down? C'mere!!! *squEEEEEEEze!!!* There, did I pop your back for you?
Baba. -
Do I mince prisoners???Abadoned???? Did you ever read Sweeny Todd??? The Barber??
I do that with my kill No your too young to know anything about Sweeny Todd. Are there any oldies on here that know what Sweeny Todd did ????
No prizes given Just a free meal when you visit me -
Baba!!!! (((HUG)) Annie(HUG) JUNi( hug) & every one else that said nice things to me