Just wondering if anyone else had the collection of kingdom melodies on tape or cd and if you ever listened to them?I ordered the whole set of 9 CDS 2 yrs ago and donated over £100.00 for them!!Was just thinking i could have bought a nice winter coat with that!I used to play them at home all the time, even in the car or when we had the group meeting at our house.I used to love one particular song cos it had a full orchestra and would play it over and over again.Some of them were pretty cheesy though - one song was sung in opera style but not the words she she 'ahd' it all the way through - horrible!Was anyone else as sad as me and did you actually pay for them?I regret it now cos they're all in the attic and can't bear to use them ever again.
did you listen to the kingdom songs on CD?
by dobbie 25 Replies latest jw friends
gordon d
Sadly Dobbie, You were NOT the only person to pay for those cd's.... Wonder if they'd bring anything on eBay?
indeed i did not...
i loved everything about being jw...with the exception of all but a handful of the songs
and that cd of african women singing them...awful
When I left they just had tapes. Never bought any but I think my parents had some. I wonder, did they ever came on vinyl? I would like to try and play them backwards. ..."let's watch how we walk and watch how we talk"
Never heard the African Women singing Praises to Jehovah, but the family did have the old tapes. They wasn't much good, the only one I liked was Kingdom Melodies #2.
We did a polka guitar / vocal rendition of Roll Out The Kingdom in a very heavy Norwegian accent.
wonder if they'd bring anything on ebay?
heehee - i don't think so!!!
By the way i have the ones with the orchestra playing - not quite as bad the the ones just playing the piano!!
Oh yes, when this product of nausea first came out, it was on LP records.
I have a true story (not related exactly, but maybe some will draw the analogy). I had to design a super-high-speed cassette tape minideck for a military application in the early 90s. The specs were to wind a whole T120 (2 hour) cassette from end to end in 10 to 15 seconds. Needless to say, getting this all to work broke a lot of tapes.
The best and cheapest source I could find was a whole bargain table of unsold Michael Bolton wailings. Soon others on my engineering team found unwanted Barry Manilow, Billy Joel, Richard Marx, well...you get the idea...
I did not even think to try to find some kingdom songs!
Did i WHAT ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erm...........That'll be a NO!
Lowden (Who's now got bloody Praise Jah With Me in his head. AAaaargh!!!!!!)