As I read this board I notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in God anymore, and when I run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in God, that I have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here. For a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position I guess.
As I was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and I realized that the one TRUE religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you. It seems to me most people can't handle that, so they think that some magic ferries are going to pluck their souls from their little death rattling chests the moment they die. Sure, I guess that sounds reasonable.
I would like to walk around glassey eyed and welcoming death with the full knoweledge that I have an E train straight to heaven, but alas, I've been hit over the head with the reality stick. Religious people don't bother me, I guess I feel exJ.W.s should know better. It's like when I hear people say that their not religious but their very spiritual, to me that's a cop out, you're either in or your out. I guess they feel if they say they're spiritual that if there is a God they're hedging their bets and they'll get in heaven on a technicality.
I hope to get to know you all much better, my opinions are strong but I'm really a nice guy.