bump in the night

by finnrot 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • finnrot

    As I read this board I notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in God anymore, and when I run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in God, that I have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here. For a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position I guess.

    As I was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and I realized that the one TRUE religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you. It seems to me most people can't handle that, so they think that some magic ferries are going to pluck their souls from their little death rattling chests the moment they die. Sure, I guess that sounds reasonable.

    I would like to walk around glassey eyed and welcoming death with the full knoweledge that I have an E train straight to heaven, but alas, I've been hit over the head with the reality stick. Religious people don't bother me, I guess I feel exJ.W.s should know better. It's like when I hear people say that their not religious but their very spiritual, to me that's a cop out, you're either in or your out. I guess they feel if they say they're spiritual that if there is a God they're hedging their bets and they'll get in heaven on a technicality.

    I hope to get to know you all much better, my opinions are strong but I'm really a nice guy.

  • safe4kids

    Hey Finrot,
    Welcome to the board

    I get easily irritated as well whenever ANYONE spouts religious stuff; I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I do try to live by that, but I spose I'm overly sensitive to anything that reminds me of being a JW.

    I too lost my faith in god; if he/she even exists, the evidence points to a pretty sadistic personality. Least, that's my opinion . I haven't figured anything out as far as answers to any of the big questions like life after death, why, etc...I just don't know. But I'm okay with not knowing.

    One thing in your post that I don't see the same way is the idea of spirituality. Spirituality and religion are two different things! I am totally anti-religious...completely! However, in my opinion 'spirituality' means simply being in touch and aware of the interconnectedness of life on this planet. It does not, for me, mean a belief in a deity or of heaven or any of that other biblical bulls**t we were force fed. And spirituality is different for each person; I find it in the faces of my sleeping children, the stars on a clear night, the susurration of the ocean, the smell in the air on the first cold day of fall, the smiles and the tears of my fellow humans, and most especially in the taste of that first sip of morning coffee! K, so maybe that last one isn't technically 'spiritual' but it's like paradise to me.

    I'm glad that you're here finrot...there are some really great people and, as a 'nice guy with strong opinions', you should fit right in!


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife


    my opinions are strong

    er, yes, I see! Nothing wrong with having a strong opinion - I too have strong opinions on most things! I'd rather be in the company of people with strong opinions than in the company of people who couldn't care less.

    when I run across a post where someone is professing their belief in God, that I have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here.

    Oh, should I go then?! Do you really have disdain for me? I always had a religious leaning, even as a child and regularly attended Methodist Church until I recognised that I didnt follow the trinity theory, then I was drawn to the Baptist Church but again found problems.. then came the Witnesses... need I say more? When I left I found the religious side of my nature in absolute tatters, I no longer believed in God as I could not accept the 'God of the JWs', the God that would bring death and destruction to so many innocent people, my image of God was distorted.

    Now that I have had time to reflect I find myself re-examining my faith and am still somewhat flailing around in the dark. I have many questions left unanswered, maybe some of them never will be - but I am still one of those people who believe that this life is so amazing, so incredible, so intricate that I can only believe in a Creator. There is so much in nature and biochemistry in particular that scream out the fact that we were designed.

    I still tend to believe like you do that you live, you die and then the little worms eat you - I still doubt that God has any extra special treatment waiting for us when we die. Guess I will just have to wait and find out. I would like nothing better than to believe that I would wake up in heaven but I am certainly not going to fret about it, just live my life the best way that I can, be kind to small children and animals, be considerate, donate in some small way to charity, give a little of my spare time to voluntary causes... I think this is the best way to go, not to get hung up over things that we dont understand and cant ever hope to understand either.

    I believe that just because the JWs have got a lot of things so wrong it does not mean that people should lose their faith altogether when they leave. One bad experience does not make the whole concept wrong.

    There is a lot of good in a lot of religions, you only have to look at the drop in centres, food centres and soup kitchens and other help that they provide. And I doubt that many involved with these projects walk around with ' glassey eyes and welcoming death'! They just want to improve the lot of the unfortunate where they can.

    Anyway, I can only commend anyone who can go through all that the organisation throws at them and still come out the other side with any vestige of spirituality or religious leaning!

    Good to meet you by the way!!!

    (Edited to correct errors, sniff, sniff.. hard to type when you have a stinking cold and your nose is dripping and you keep on having to blow it!)

  • finnrot

    O.K. safe4kids I can handle your version of spirituality, sounds good to me. And as for you Individuals Wife, I have nothing but love for you honey, "agape" love that is.
    One thing I will say though is, if you become a witness later in life you will never be able to comprehend what it was like for us who were raised as J.W.s

  • borgfree


    I was born into a JW family. I believed the teachings of the WT for 54 years. I found out that I had been lied to. I did not decide that God was somehow tricking me and allowing me to be deceived all of my life by keeping me in a cult. I left the WT and examined Christianity. I am a believer in the God of the bible and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

    I thought when I joined this forum it was for all types of JWs, ex-JWs, and others interested in the discussions here. I was not aware it was only for atheists. I have been giving that a lot of thought lately as the forum seems to be dominated by people who like to curse God and everyone who is a believer.

    I am sorry that you have chosen to have no belief in God. I will not preach to you but I also do not agree with you.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • finnrot

    Don't be so damn sensitive people, I'm just expressing how I honestly feel. I'm not telling you to dry up and blow away if you're stupid enough to believe in ghosts and ferries.

  • Teirce

    Dude, read some Socrates and Plato. That's Real spirituality, and what you're knowing and recognizing as "religion" couldn't shine a f'n candle to it. It's no wonder Paul kept blasting 'wisdom of men'; it was dangerous to his powerbase and he was one to know (he rips off Plato something fierce). And there's no chance in hell the Society would let anyone read that stuff, let alone quote from it. Save your vitriol for Religion; spirituality has been doing just well, thanks, for thousands of years.

  • Seeker


    I was not aware it was only for atheists.

    It isn't.

    In fact, I only know of 3 or 4 atheists among the regular posters. Avoid them and you'll be fine. Or defend your beliefs if you wish to engage in a discussion of the subject. But don't make exaggerated claims, please.

  • borgfree

    Thank you Seeker,

    But, I think I have seen a lot more than 2 or 3 atheists here. Or maybe all of the ones here that say they do not believe in God do not think they are atheists.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • Seeker
    Or maybe all of the ones here that say they do not believe in God do not think they are atheists.

    Yes, that's correct. There are several agnostics as well, and there are believers, but not believers in the same gods. So when someone comes along and blusters about how their god is the only real god, they get shot down for lack of evidence or clear thinking.

    Really, most of the "anti-God" comments come when a believer is pushy about their beliefs, yet has no evidence to back them up. Believers who respect the rights of others to believe different are usually left alone and are welcome here. As ex-JWs, we've had our fill of preaching. If someone preaches to us, they usually get an argument back.

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