I am trying to define what is acceptable sexual practice and find that using the Bible as a guide is quite confusing and contradictory. Looking at the history of sexual encounters in the Bible seems to indicate that multiple sex partners is acceptable, provided you can afford it, yes even in sex the rich have a different set of rules to the poor. However Adultery seems to consistently be thought of as wrong.
Adam and Eve - No rule is given, just that a man should stick with his wife. This does not say he can not have others on the side.
Prior to Moses - People like Abraham have relations with his servant to bear a child. He made no marriage commitment to her, and later kicked her out. Joseph avoids Potifers wife, showing a stand always existed against adultery
Mosaic Law - Lots of things that you can not do with others, lots or reasons to be unclean, but still polygamy is allowed, such as the case of when you sister in laws husband dies. David, Solomon have many wives and still considered the most righteous of men.
Christian times and fornication is condemned. However the statement that an elder was to be "husband of one wife" does not mean there can be no single elders, so indicates that there were Christians that were husbands of more than one wife.
The above seems to indicate that polygamy is quite acceptable to God, as long as you can afford to provide for your family, and did not leave your wife on a whim. So what is God's view on sex?
- Are multiple sexual partners ok?
- Does there have to be commitment, such as a marriage document, or are random sexual encounters acceptable?
- Why does it say fornication is wrong, when it seems quite natural behaviour prior to marriage?
- Are open marriages allowed for, provided both mates agree to it?