Worlds are colliding.
Welcome, Art Vandelay.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Think for Yourself)
by Art Vandelay 43 Replies latest jw friends
Worlds are colliding.
Welcome, Art Vandelay.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Think for Yourself)
Welcome Art, I hope you come back and get to know us all. Its a great place for healing, and a fab place to make new friends.
G'day and welcome!! This site helps a lot of people. I'd be one of them.
Just wanted to say hello, and welcome!! Look forward to getting to know you. Others have a warped sense of humor, too. (Where's warlock? Oh, he's asleep right now. Don't wake him!!)
Welcome, Seinfeld fan, LOL LOL LOL. (LOL is Laugh out Loud). I hope we help you clear away some of the confusion.
Do you have a separate bank account yet? Your long term plan should include gaining further independence from your parents.
WElcome to the forum....
Hi Art, and welcome.
Stick around, this place has helped many in your position. I hope we can help you.
Hey, Art Vandaley, Do you know Putty?
Hello and welcome Art. You're going to love it here!
Welcome Art Vandelay!
Are you an architect or a marine biologist???