if he knows all

by abuttercup 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abuttercup

    I have often wondered....

    they say Jehovah is the begining and the end, and that he can read every heart. if so, did he not know Eve would eat the fruit and then Adam would follow? Did he not know Satan would try to pull his weight? If he knew the probable future, why would he sacrifice so many innocent people when he could have just killed Satan?

  • jayhawk1

    ... or never created Satan in the first place.

  • abuttercup

    good point

  • DavidChristopher

    perhaps He had a very good reason...we just haven't figured it out yet? Or He has not decided it was time to let us in on His secrets yet?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    why would he sacrifice so many innocent people when he could have just killed Satan?

    For the sake of the non-innocent - anyway, which innocent people?

  • DavidChristopher

    I was under the impression there were none innocent...don't we all fall short of perfect?

  • DavidChristopher

    Why didn't they ask God why they were not allowed to eat from the tree..and have some knowledge of good and bad?

  • XU

    can he create a rock too heavy for him to pick up?

  • Shazard

    XU it depends on how do you define omnipotence. If you define it as to do everything even contradictionary things, then yes, he can do it and still be omnipotent - Because in the world where such rock sexist can exist God who is contradictionary! I guess you don't like such definition of omnipotence. But chirsitians (I am not JW) believe that GOd can do everything what is possible! And he can't do things which contradicts himself, so God's will is His own limitation. When he wills somethig he can't not to will it at the same time.

  • lowden

    The whole original sin story is utterly flawed.

    People will always want to find out what is behind the door, round the corner, in the box.

    It's our nature. To take that very human quality away, is to take away what we actually are.

    Falling short is part of the learning and 'polishing' process.

    A world full of people that never said or did anything wrong? How silly.

    It deeply saddens me that people feel it proper to believe in the original sin story.

    I used to. Not any more. My shoulders are much freer.



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