Silentlambs has posted a bulletin about the JW pedophile database opening and done it nicely commenting on the new Society tract. Has anyone any experiences yet as I've printed a heap out and will be delivering them soon around my area to alert my neighbours of the hypocrisy of the Society?
Has anyone posted or delivered the "SILENTLAMBS SERVICE BULLETIN"YET?
by wozadummy 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I've printed 30 or so and have a person of interest delivering them around. The presiding overbearers house was targeted along with his neighbors. I ask for any experiences.
SILENTLAMBS SERVICE BULLETIN Jehovah’s Witnesses Forced To Open Pedophile Database! - 877-WTABUSE (982-2873) Recent decisions in California Courts have ruled in favor of abuse survivors in that state. The Legal Department lawyers of Jehovah’s Witnesses have fought with filing after filing trying to claim “clergy penitent privilege” with information that would lead to the possible conviction or implication of further crimes against children by Jehovah’s Witness child molesters. The secondary issue regards civil damages brought upon victims due to negligence of church officials in not reporting allegations of child abuse putting additional children in danger. This ruling from the court states simply that the church cannot use “clergy penitent privilege” as a way to protect pedophiles from law enforcement. The ruling further states information stated in judicial hearings of Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as documents generated by those hearings are not “privileged” and will have to be released to the courts as any information that is relevant to the case. In addition, the Legal Department will have to produce all documents related to their abuse policy and how they investigate child abuse allegations. Most importantly the ruling states; “records kept by or under the direction of the Legal Department concerning allegations of abuse,” that directly involves the pedophile database reported by silentlambs in April of 2002. This represents the first official ruling of the court that opens the database for public scrutiny. This judgment is bitter sweet as in 2003 in New Hampshire silentlambs officials watched as Jehovah’s Witnesses attorneys defended the “religious right” of convicted child molester Paul Berry to prevent further convictions on allegations of his abuse of other children. Thousands of dollars in donations to Jehovah’s Witnesses known as Worldwide Work monies were spent silencing the victims of Paul Berry. Each time you donate to Jehovah’s Witnesses a portion of that money will be spent defending the rights of convicted Jehovah’s Witness pedophiles from their victims. The California case above to date has involved hundreds of thousands of dollars of Jehovah’s Witness donations to stop victims of abuse from getting needed treatment for the crimes committed against them. The religious hypocrisy of offering articles on abuse issues while secretly protecting pedophiles using “clergy penitent privilege” is far worse than the Catholic Church abuse scandal. This month the Jehovah’s Witnesses are distributing this tract worldwide. They openly condemn the Catholic Church for their abuse scandal and use it as a basis to call them and all other faiths “false religion.” Do members realize their Legal Department Lawyer elders are protecting pedophiles in the courts using the money they collect door to door to do so? At silentlambs we appreciate the determination and courage of abuse survivors in going forward in the courts to bring these criminals to justice. We look forward to the day when the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses follows the example set by the Pope of the Catholic Church and apologizes for their role in allowing policies that continue to hurt children. The truth will prevail and no amount of Worldwide Work Donations spent to protect child molesters will stop the real truth of these matters from being discovered in the courts. The pedophile database holds the key to that “truth.”
I sent mine and a letter to the editor of my paper. I mailed one to a former ex-JW associate in a major city of Florida. He promised to contact the newspaper in his city. Many local JW's will be finding their copy, too. I've distributed about 50 to JW's . I should probably concentrate on dropping copies off at local churches, too. This needs to be the only subject that JW's hear about in field service. Door after door- householder after householder, all they want to ask them is "Why do JW's protect pedophiles". Bible studies cancel and baptisms drop to Zero. That's what could happen. I would hate to see the WT collapse and not be able to say, " I helped it happen"
thank u
i was not aware there was a new brochure at sl on this topic. i have placed many of the others with clients at work.....
but i think this issue deserves a more aggressive approach, one of my actually going back into the door to door work with as many as i can carry
thank u
I've only managed to place one so far as I'm ill at the moment but the reaction from that person was that she felt physically sick after reading it.I also will place with elders and their neighbours , it's a good idea, how can they fudge over this?
We put it up on our website, and have emailed a few copies to people in the area, as well as a couple of National newspapers, one of which thanked us. The local paper also has a copy. Let's get the word out, and watch the dubs squirm with embarassment if they get asked about it!
Slo-owly the storm is building-
get your news release here--
Open Letter to Jehovah's Witnesses
Kentucky Lake Times, KY - Nov 2, 2006
... of Silence Soon to End, published by Robert King on, is being mailed by volunteers to hundreds of kingdom halls of Jehovah's Witnesses in the ...Anderson Cooper Supports Pedophile-Harboring Organization
World Forum - 1 hour ago
... The Legal Department lawyers of Jehovah's Witnesses have fought with filing after filing trying to claim "clergy penitent privilege" with information that ...Slo-owly the storm is building-
get your news release here--
I just sent an e-mail to Anderson Cooper at CNN...
If anyone decides to send in their comments, please be sure it's well-written, not argumentative (so we don't look like a bunch of nuts) and it shows a respectfulness for Anderson Cooper. That way, I think he'll be in a better frame of mind to look at the pedophile issue.
I basically said that I appreciated his coverage on Katrina (he did a great job!) and his recent coverage on Darfur---he really told it like it was. Then I said that I knew that being the great investigative reporter that he was, he would surely address the issue of pedophiles/child abuse in the Jehovah's Witness Organization and would not allow innocent children to continue to be harmed. I informed him of the recent California court ruling.
Hope he takes a look at it.