Oops! I've thought for a while that those who are most virulently anti-gay often times are themselves repressing their own homosexual feelings. The delicious irony in this one is that this guy is head of a 30,000,000 strong evangelical organization and he's been a vocal opponent of anything gay friendly.
US Evangelical leader quits amid male escort's allegations
by jstalin 10 Replies latest social current
If this is true. I feel for the guy.... Must be like when David screwed up also... So many who love God seem to fall into temptations. Guess that is why we were warned about temptations. I have been there done that! Yet I believe that God IS the "I AM" I for one will pray that he admits his hang-up & comes clean.... If your gonna lead a group of folks better TRY to walk a straight line....That is why it says not many will become teachers.... My 2 cents.
A friend of mine once speculated (when we was still in High School) that an aquaintance of ours who was very anti-homosexual could be repressing homosexual feelings. After reading your second imbedded page, I think my friend and you could be right.
I understand what you're saying Mouthy, but I have to confess I don't have a lot of sympathy for his type of hypocracy. He has influence over millions of people and has worked to deny gay folks like me some basical social freedoms, yet, if true, he's been doing exactly what he preaches against. I suppose I get a bit of satisfaction when a hypocrit like this falls from grace. He's done what he can to make sure I can't live a normal and satisfying life. We'll see how the religious right reacts to his behavior - will they embrace and forgive him, or try to blame it on something like molestation - all the while denying that being gay is in the normal range of human behavior?
Percentages are percentages; there are just as many gays in the conservative right as anywhere else; they just aren't allowed to admit it.
JST>to deny gay folks like me some basical social freedoms, yet, if true,?????????????
I heard him say last night ( a repeat) that he thought folks who have lived together for years SHOULD be able to have there lives in peace together. Did you come out of the closet with out a lot of trouble? maybe he has wressled with his feelings for years. Lets make sure he is guilty before we stone the guy eh???I will still feel for the guy. You see I HONESTLY dont think ANYONE in the whole wide world hasnt committed one kind of a sin or another regardless of what anyone says.(((LOVE YA J even if we agree to disagree(((HUGS)))
Thank-you for the post and I just wish main stream media would publish this more and I hope he gets his I hate those hypocrits just like Phelps from Kansas.
I love you too Mouthy
Hambeak your suffering at the moment ...I read your post about the robbery.... Hate doesnt help YOU.... It only makes life feel like hell. You have every right to be angry!!!! But take it easy my friend Take deep breaths & count to ten...& I would not bother with the gun mate.. "Live by the gun. die by the gun":
Sorry to steal the post Jstlin..... but you know what Grannies are like ( a B...dy nuisance
Mouthy advice well taken you are the grand Matriarch. Sorry js