Thursday morning 2am cst I got a call from the Garland PD my shop was broken into again 3 times this year I am so hopping mad because this is going to put me out of business I can't claim on Insurance not that much only a few hundred dollars but the clean up and disruption of business I am at the point of buying a gun. I had one of the guys replace the window AGAIN and this time put heavy duty cage wire over all of the windows. Any suggestion on how to deal with this anger? I am so upset certain types of people I am not even being friendly toward I can't afford to close and just leave because of contractual agreements. So any Ideas I need help before I hurt someone and that is totally not me!
Robbed Again!
by hambeak 19 Replies latest jw friends
That is terrible! What kind of store do you have? Could you get a dog to protect it? Have they caught the robbers on any occasion?
Crap! That really, really sucks.
Perhaps invest in a security system with video cameras?
So sorry to hear that hambeak. I really don't have any suggestions, only that if you do buy a gun, be careful. Don't get yourself in trouble because of the scum that keep breaking in to your shop.
The cops have never caught any of them even though I know who the first ones were. This is an auto repair shop. The first time they took $20,000.00 worth of tools.
Yes I have security but they are in and out so fast. In Texas you have the right to carry a concealed weapon with the right permits. I was told by the officers that just in that one morning 5 shops were hit and they think it is from druggers.
Aaaarrrrggggg! They must be a very organized group of robbers then...If they did 5 jobs in one night. You are dealing with professional it seems. What JERKS!
That absolutely sucks Hambeak.......if you can legally carry a gun, I'd buy one and wait for the bastards.
OK, just to try and make you smile in the midst of this crap here's a joke that I think you'll like:
This guy decides to rob a house one night....he goes in with his flashlight and quietly starts rumaging around looking for valuables. Suddenly he hears a voice that says: "Jesus is watching you." It kinda scared him as he looked around but didn't see anyone, so he goes back to collecting all the valuables. A few minutes later he again hears a voice say: "Jesus is watching you". He shines his flashlight around the room and sees a parrot in his cage. It's the parrot who's saying "Jesus is watching you". The burglar goes up to the parrot and says "Jesus is watching me eh? And what's your name?"
The parrot replies: "Moses".
The burglar starts to laugh and says "...What kind of an idiot names his parrot 'Moses'?
The parrot replies: "The same idiot who named his pitbull 'Jesus'.
Mary thanks I did laugh.
My suggestion may get a bit expensive, but only you will be able to determine if it would be worth it.
I think you need to look into bulletproof glass, not to stop bullets, but to keep them from breaking in. At least you should look into unbreakable glass.
You need to find ways to delay their entry into your business, so the police have enough time to get there, or they give up because it takes too much time to get in.
In other words, you need to increase THEIR risk in trying to steal from you. Plus, don't forget to get a couple of big nasty dogs.
Thanks Warlock I have plexiglass in where they broke out the pane it tore up the frame and then the vandalism was the most distressing. As for dogs I would love to but unfortunately it wouldn't be healthy for them all night in the shop, too many chemicals around that could make them ill or kill them.