What happened? Did I miss it? Was there some special announcement? I searched around here a little but found nothing . . .
October Special JW Announcement
by sandy 19 Replies latest forum announcements
The end is STILL near and everything outside of jdub land is STILL evil.
That is all.
~luv, jojo
No, nothing special. just the usual bs.
It must of had something to do with the all new, powerful message, tract. Everybody in the world will be shaking in their boots soon!
Outaservice (who's getting into his bomb shelter right now)
They announced that the announcements will be at the beginning rather than the end of the meeting.
Everyone clapped except the five elders who missed it because they were outside gossiping about the latest judicial hearing involving two 16 year old girls and one 20 year old boy.
Special announcement: Birthdays are pagan, but wedding anniversaries are not.
Throwing rice is pagan, but wedding rings are not.
Accepting blood transfusions is pagan, but accepting a liver transplant, with the donated organ positively chock full of blood, is perfectly fine.
Anyone with any questions, please keep them to yourselves.
That is all.
Throwing rice actually IS bad because the birds eat it up and then it swells in their stomachs and can kill them.
:( -
be funny if it was.....................
God is really female and all positions held by males in the watchtower organization will now be taken over by females!!!
things would change fer sure!!
They updated the dress code to suit the modern day.
From now on all brothers must wear hoodies and jeans that hang below their butt cheeks showing at least 2 inches of underpants. All sisters must wear combat pants with 6 inch plastic stillettos and layered multi coloured vests.
The tract, False Relgion's End is Near is being distributed. SOS.