Kids are going to college

by Emma 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emma

    My daughter got an acceptance to her first choice in colleges last week! She's leaving for NYC this Tuesday to look for a job and a place to live. (She'll be living with a friend while she looks.) She's transfering from a junior college this January.

    My son is at a charter high school that is connected with the same junior college. He passed his preliminary classes and can now go on to take the regular college courses. This is a big accomplishment for him as he's not done well before in school; not motivated. So his first two years of college will be paid for as part of this high school program. Yeah!

    I'm so happy they're free to make decisions about their future!


  • Chameleon

    That's great.

  • NYCkid

    That's wonderful news. May I ask what school she's attending? I'm attending Columbia University right now (I'm a former JW who's finally attending college at age 35). I transferred to Columbia from a NYC community college where I graduated with an A.A. in writing and literature. Let me know if your daughter needs any advice on NYC or college.



  • hambeak

    Wonderful news Emma I hope they do very well and you can boast when they graduate magna cum laude

  • SirNose586

    Good for them. I hope they use the time wisely and make good choices that will allow them to put their intellect to good use!

  • restrangled

    Emma, you must be so proud! Both my boys are in college but at home (arg)!!!!

    My best to all of you!


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good for them!

    The orgs attitude to higher education is just plain stupid anyway.

  • Emma

    NYC Kid, she'll be going to Baruch College in Manhatten. Her friend lives in Brooklyn but I'm not sure where my daughter will be looking for housing. Good for you in going to college!

    Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I feel like we're over one bridge and on to the next one!

  • becca1


  • NYCkid

    Baruch is a great school, it's one of the top schools of CUNY. Best of luck to your daughter. I'm sure you're a bit nervous about her being in NYC but although it can be a crazy place, there's so much diversity (and really great places to eat) LOL.

    Best wishes,

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