Go everyone and all the very best!!! You all rock. That's Freedom!
Does anyone now celebrate...
by Hannah 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've been faded 24 years now, celebrate everything, and have fun doing it! My JW mother wasn't very impressed when my youngest told her she went trick or treating the other night, still waiting for her to broach that subject with me............
I'm gonna call all the elders in your congregations and tell on all you apostates for returning to the vomit of this old world and taking a stand against Jehovah. When Jesus the now reigning king comes to gather his chosen ones and bring about armageddon, all you celebrators are gonna be vulture food and me and the rest of the faithful witnesses of Jehovah will be laughing at you.
Hey Bro Gumby, Can I ask a favour? Please email me as soon as the Great Tribulation hits will ya unc who may repent before Jehovah's crack ps: I'll serve ya fruit for 1,000 years
Don't you listen to him, Bro.Gumby. He's just trying to get into the
archark at the last minute. Cunning old (Taswegian) devil! -
In my pre-JW days holidays had become very difficult. When I was first married, J and I had almost no extra cash but still felt obligated to buy presents for a host of relatives at Christmas. Another difficulty was the tug of war over which family to spend whichever holiday with. Many times we tried to spend time with both sets of relatives making for a not very fun, long and exhausting day.
When my husband and I moved to Ft. Benning to continue his military career after college, I tried to carry on with celebrating the various holidays myself as he wasn't much interested. I was becoming more and more disenchanted with the exercise but carried on for my boys.
After moving back to Illinois (where both our families lived) while the husband went to Korea for a year, I ran into the same stupid competition for our time, as if our attendance and how long we stayed was a barometer of our affections...and neither family would give an inch when I tried to divide up the various holidays between the families. I was beyond fed up at this point and wished I had moved someplace far away from all of them.
The no-holiday thing with the JWs was almost a relief to me.
I'm still ambivalent about holidays. I am still deciding what it is that I want to do and how far I want to go with this stuff. I'm by myself now, my son has his own place, my parents have moved to TX....and I'm not a dub any more. Total freedom. Its very nice.
Oh yes!!! Except Valentines, I hate Valentines....