I was a Dub Kid..I didn`t celebrate anything I wasn`t supposed to..Now I`m an Adult ,I`m not a Dub..I am thankfull for those who fought for our freedoms..The freedom to say what we want..I wear a poppy in Rememberance of those who died for our Freedoms..Some may not be comfortable with that..That`s OK..Think about it..If it was`nt for those people,freedom of expression wouldn`t exist..This board wouldn`t exist...OUTLAW
Rememberance Day
by OUTLAW 12 Replies latest jw friends
yes, outlaw, i agree with you
i was raised in the military,,,i have great emotion feelings when i see a march by those fine people...
i was a dub for 20 yrs, and now that i am out, i do not miss an observance on Nov. 11...
my father served in the korean war,,,,i go for him and what he stood for:)
Amen brother OUTLAW!
I am thankfull for those who fought for our freedoms..The freedom to say what we want..I wear a poppy in Rememberance of those who died for our Freedoms..
I lost my brother in Vietnam and I'll never forget him or what he fought for and well as those who fought with him and those who are fighting for our freedom now.
Orbison11 and bikerchic,the members of your familys are not forgoten..I wear the poppy for them too.....In Canada we wear a Red Poppy in remberance of those who fought our freedoms and the freedoms of the free world..How many here from Canada wear a Poppy?..Just curious..To those who aren`t Canadian..Do you have similar customs in your country?...OUTLAW
We wear red poppies in the UK for Remembrance Day, and both Trev and myself are wearing them wherever we go at the moment. The sacrifice these people made should never be forgotten.
I come from a military background, and I served during the 1st Gulf War. This is the 2nd year that I've worn a poppy during Remembrance, since leaving the duds.
Everyday has been a rememberance day for me, as my mind renders up thoughts, dreams, and experiences from VietNam, I spent quite a bit of time over there and it has effected me. Now all these years later I am experiencing flashbacks to that time in my life. Not getting the hebby geebies or sweats (at least not yet) but those times and experiences seem to be coming up more and more to my mind. Maybe because I am just getting older and am in the Autumn part of life, I don't know but wasn't bothered by any of it until just a few months ago.
The VA PCM that I have has recommended that I go to the Psychologist or some idiot and talk with them about it. She told me that if for no other reason it will add to my disability. That is just what I need, more to be disabled about. I am so weak now I can't walk without a walker, crutches or canes. I have to have some children open my water bottles, Have just had another stint in the Hospital, am on 24 hour a day IV FEED, and have several more surgeries staring me in the face, but hey its good to be alive. A lot of the people I served with in VietNam aren't so I have a lot to be thankful for. Rememberance Day what a concept, everyday should be a Rememberance Day of some sort. Larryt
IronHead..Buffalosfree..You guys went to war so people like myself didn`t have to..Thats a big sacrifice..I support the soldiers who put thier lifes on the line for the rest of us..I wear the poppy for all of you...OUTLAW
I will be wearing a poppy this year and i don't care what anyone thinks. My cousins truck was blown up in aghanistan in january and hes left paralysed with young kids, though he knows hes lucky to be alive, but it brought home to me what soldiers have to go through, past and present, all the lives lost and damage done mentally and physically, when they are just trying to protect others. I still don't understand why jws can't wear poppies in remembrance of lives lost can anyone tell me?
Ladys and Gentleman of JWD..Today is "Rememberance Day"..I bring this thread back to the top,in Rememberance of those who fought and or died for the freedoms we enjoy today...OUTLAW