Well done Linda, I started taking Zyban 3 days ago. You take it for 2 weeks before giving up, although already I noticed I am smoking less and keep putting cigarette down and forgetting I was smoking. It's very bizarre. All the best with it. I'll be reading Alan Carr aswell over the coming weeks.
I've gone a week without smoking!
by fullofdoubtnow 38 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Ballstic, good luck to you as well. Let's hope that sometime next year we'll maybe meet at an Apostafest as non - smokers.
Keep it up Linda!
Anti smoking really gathers pace by the day doesn't it? France's National Library airbrushed a Gitane from a poster of the famously chain smoking Jean Paul Sartre and the US Post Office corrected a stamp of blues legend Robert Johnson to remove the ciggie dangling from his lips.
A pharmacist recently told a smoking friend of mine not to bother with patches but to carry round a slightly damp dog-end in a small, sealed plastic container. "When having the urge" he said, "just take a sniff of the old ciggie." It's really helped him.
A friend of mine recently stopped and I was chatting to him about it just yesterday.
He said that he's taken a different view on "falling off the wagon" recently. Previously he would think of it as failure and then just give up. This time he's just viewing it as minor temporary setbacks and getting straight back on the wagon.
So far he's "fallen" twice in the last three weeks, doesn't excuse it, but he's gotten right back up again. He's of the opinion that his mindset is far far better this time round.
He finds the patches help, but they are a little painful as he's a hairy guy. Methinks you probably don't suffer that problem
Hope that anecdote helps some
Thanks LT, Trev "fell off the wagon" for a few days recently himself, but he's avoided taking up the habit again, despite me being a smoker, and he says if that happens to me, then I should just treat it as a temporary setback and not go back to the habit full time. My big problem is I tend to look for reasons to smoke rather than reasons not to, which is I agree rather foolish, but it's the way I am. That's the kind of mindset I have to overcome, and I'm the only one who can overcome it.
You are right, my use of the patches aren't hindered by hairy arms lol.
Clam, the slightly - damp dog end tactic might be something I'll try. To be honest, anything that works is worth considering.
WTG Linda! I've been off of cigs for over a month now, but I've "fell off" a time or two. If it happens, just go on from there. And don't mentally reset your "quit" date. In other words, if you smoke one today, you STILL quit a week ago. Otherwise the loss of your progress is crushing.
Hang in there!
Quiting smoking is not easy but so worth the effort. My husband and I quit then when my18 year old son came to live with us he quit too. He has been quit 5 weeks and he is feeling better and better. He really didn't want to quit but it was a condition to living with us and he complied. He is now glad he did. Good for you be proud of your efforts you lfe and health will be so much better.
Keep up the good work I know how hard it is to quit....I thank the WT for that . I had to quit to get baptised... 2 packs aday, Export A no filter tips.... But I am telling you sweetie when you suceed you will be SO grateful....I know I am going to step on a few toes when I say this but --if you saw my hubby die( he used to laugh at the thought that cig's kill ) You WOULD quit in a moment just encase it happens to you,.. part of his lung came out of his mouth!!!!!!! It was awful !!!!!!!It took a year & 7 months to die....ROUGH for him, ( & for me & the kids to watch) Sorry to upset ya!!!but the truth has to be told. Good girl !!!& good Trev!!!! for encouraging you ...Good Luck..
Congratulations I wish I could quit but I do so enjoy the filthy habit. I tried Zyban no effect. Maybe the patches I don't know. I spend about $150.00 a month on this crap.
Yay Linda!
The patches are helpful, so hopefully I'll continue keeping off the cigarrettes.
Wish me luck, I know I'll need it.
Whatever it takes to get you through it hun! One day at a time sometimes it's one nano second at a time. In the end it's your determination to quit that will make you a winner! I'll pass on the best advise I got when I was yet again trying to quit was sometimes it takes several tries to finally stick. That really helped me, I don't know why but I do know I didn't get so down on myself when I didn't make it and tried again and again. I've been smoke free this time (after almost making it a year) since May 19th!
You can do it and I wish you all the luck and strength to become smoke free for life!