Anybody going to a fireworks display tonight in UK?It'll be the first time since being a jw but i LOVE fireworks and am going to one tonight(for the scouts-another no no!)I still feel abit uneasy about it cos of why jws should'nt do it but know my little boy will love it.I was so disappointed when i became a jw and couldn't do this either!Sorry to post something so unimportant but i'm being very childishly excited about it and can't tell anyone else!!
Fireworks night tonight!
by dobbie 34 Replies latest jw friends
You're a day early - but I can see the advantages of having it on a Saturday!
Ian - LOL!I didn't even realise what the date was today!Thats what happens when you don't go to work!Actually thats ok then cos i'm not going to it on fireworks night so i can't get in trouble for it haha! PS who else thinks i'm really stoopid now?!
Our local rugby club had fireworks last night, and theres a big display tonight down at Gloucester Docks - its brilliant, and I will be going. Theres also usually one at Cheltenham racecourse, and lots of villages will have a display tonight.
I used to sit at the window nearly crying when I was a dub. My hubby would never let me go. I LOVE fireworks.
Now I go to all the displays and i go "OHHHHH" and "AHHHHH" at every single firework! Im like a kid. They nearly make me cry for happiness. I think they are so indescribably beautiful. (I know its pitiful, but I really do!)
Sad emo
I'm a cheapskate - I live in a house where I can sit and watch everyone else's for free - and stay warm!
I quit!
Excuse my ignorance but what are the fireworks for?
I can watch them from my own home. The local yobs have been putting on a fireworks display every night for the past fortnight.
Sad emo
I quit - It's to celebrate the failure of Guy Fawkes' attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.
KK - I think they are beautiful too! (So that makes me sad AND stoopid!lol)
We both like fireworks, but we aren't going to a bonfire tonight. We were thinking of doing so, but with Trev having been ordered to rest by the doctor, we are having a quiet night in tonight. I hope everyone who does go to a bonfire has a lovely evening.