What? What is this site about!
What kinda of site is this.
by rezrez 26 Replies latest jw friends
It's called a discussion board. Here, people discuss everything Jehovah's Witness related. And sometimes pizza. Everyone is welcome.
What kind of poster are you, rez rez?
Welcome, RezRez...
This site is exactly what it purports to be, a discussion forum for all things Jehovah's Witness. There are many posters here who are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses (for many, many various reasons), and there are many here who still are active Witesses.
Poke around and read a few posts and articles, there is much to see here. -
Hmm i see. I got confused because i have been reading many post from ex jw.
Take me, for instance. I'm married to a JW but I'm not a witness. As I said, everyone is welcome here.
Lady Lee
I got confused because i have been reading many post from ex jw.
Yup most of us are xJWs. So if you are interested in learning a bit about what life is like on this side of the WT fence come-on-in
gordon d
Hey Rezrez,
Please introduce yourself... what's your story?
Welcome to the board!
Take the blue pill and stay in wonderland..
Take the red pill and you'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes...
P.S. If you want to talk about more info about the board, Please feel free to PM me and I'll give you my phone number.
Please know that I'm an ex-JW that loves Jehovah. -
I cant do that. Everyone religion tries to prove each other right or wrong and its annoying. Theres about 300,000 religions all over the world, and each of them claim to be right. Many religions like the Catholics and the Baptist claim to teach the facts about the bible, but religions like those allow false teachings like gay marriage to be accepted. =X It seems like all religions have their flaws but most of them stay consistent on false teachings..like that darn pope. Yes, i know im not making any sense. :)
Then you can join me rezrez, step into the refreshing world of atheistism.
Nathan Natas
Hi rezRez, an welcome!
Yeah, we've all seen the Kingdom News #37 to which you may have been alluding - and we had it HERE before you had it in your congregation!
Before one criticises his neighbor's church he ought to make sure his own is spotless and without blemish. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses cannot make that claim. They need to do a bit of cleaning themselves.