Guess what was left in our door

by NYCkid 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NYCkid

    My partner and I arrived today at our weekend country home. We haven't been here for a couple of weeks. Anyway, the JW left us a little surprise folded up on our front door...their "false religion" tract. Has anyone seen it?

    It's actually quite laughable, I love where they claim that if the entire world were JW's the Nazi murders wouldn't have ever happened. I also love where they ask "Are you distressed about crimes committed in the name of religion?"

    My response is absoooooolutely and can think of quite a few:

    Shunning of family members which violates human rights

    Flip flopping on policies (like blood, education, prophesizing the end of the world) which has lead to personal harm and in some cases death

    Fostering an atmosphere that allows pedophiles to associate freely with children and provides pedophiles protection when accused

    Prohibiting members from seeking higher education that often relegates members to lower income groups and prevents free and open inquiry, dialogue and freedom to think and interpret for oneself

    Claiming the Bible (their version especially) should be understood literally while disregarding certain scripture not appropriate for the 21st century (like stoning non-believers and sacrificing animals)

    Claiming to posses absolute truth and communication with God regarding how to interpret and teach scripture

    Asserting rules, policies and language not supported or consistent with scripture

  • juni

    Nope NYC kid. And time is running out. Eight days remaining.


  • NYCkid

    OMG, well it's going to be the best 8 days I've ever had. Ordering crates of booze now and booking a trip to Australia, always wanted to go there.

    Thanks for the head's up.



  • moshe

    I wonder if the JW's will have "it's a wrap" party when their big tract campaign is over- nah- JW's don't do parties. Lot's of work ahead for them following up on the coupons for Bible studies that all the simpletons have sent in.

  • Chameleon

    JWs don't do parties? My cong. has a party every other week. Then again, the fact that it's a spanish cong. could have something to do with it.

  • unclebruce

    I arrived home after a fortnight away and the tract was left in a forestry gate neatly folded inside a plastic sandwhich bag

    It amused me because that gate is up in the forest about a kilometre from the real gate/entrance to my property .. whoo hoo I finally found a way they can't even see where I live

    Bega KH:


  • moshe

    The sign on this KH says it all!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We've seen the tract, but not had one delivered. We are, I would think, pretty high on a list of "do not calls" in our area, and the dubs have already been to the block of flats we live in.

    I know several who have had the tract, but I don't know anyone who has read it yet, most have thrown it straight in the trash.

  • raylo

    I live in gated apartments. I guess they scaled the damn 6 ft gates or something because one was left in my door.

    It's funny because I live in a huge apartment community where even the ppl who work there think it's too large a property to check in on things or go door to door with community messages, so why in hell a JW would come in and work a gated community with over 1,100 aparments is beyond me.

    They don't know I'm there because I moved here after the hurricane Katrina destroyed my home on the MS coast.....even my old cong didn't know I had moved to that coast, so they damn well didn't know that I moved to another state afterwards. I never was one to feel that I must keep ppl who are not relatives informed of my whereabouts or personal some ramdom JWs just decided for kicks to come into a closed community to pass out tracts. (I'm going to have to speak to the managers about know safety issues and

    Not sure what I did with it, but I do recall wanting to light a candle and not being able to find my stash of matches.....and somehow the candle did get lit.


  • AuldSoul

    I have found at least 30, in various states of decomposition, stuck into the front screen-doors of houses. I have dutifully removed every one of them. The funniest to me, so far, are the rain streaked ones. They have obviously been exposed to the elements for days.

    Some faithful JWs have in their minds they were engaged in a life-saving work, letting people know the awful truth about the UN's next move: squishing every religion that isn't JWs. Tsk. Sad, really. Pathetic.

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