this just in on cnn, he and two others foung guilty and they are to die by hanging, although he has a 10 day window to appeal, i think they said it was to happen (death) within 30 days.
by orbison11 27 Replies latest social current
this just in on cnn, he and two others foung guilty and they are to die by hanging, although he has a 10 day window to appeal, i think they said it was to happen (death) within 30 days.
betcha he doesn't.
doesnt what? appeal or hang?:)
BIG mistake if they decide to hang the bloke! Life in prison is more than good enough punishment.
He has been found guilty of murder for ordering the deaths of hundreds and in other cases hundreds more.
If radical muslim choose to look at things in a 'different light' they may find Bush and Blair guilty of killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
Lets just say, I wouldn't want to be Bush and Blair and whoever it is who has the job of guarding them.
These people believe in an 'eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth', pretty soon we'll all be blind and toothless!
They're going to pull a "David Copperfield" if he ends up strolling to the gallows. Saddam has served his masters well and they'll make sure he avoids the hangman (unless he had stepped on someone's toes).
Kaput, of the "rabbit out of the hat" class.
He probably deserves whatever he gets, but I'm not sure that hanging him will achieve anything. I can see a lot more conflict if that happens, whereas life imprisonment takes the martyrdom aspect out of his sentence.
The appeal is automatic and goes to a nine member committee. They are under no time restrictions for reviewing the trial and appeal documentation. They could hold off making any decision indefinately. crime against humanity deserves another obviously
He should rot in jail for what hes done; death is too gracious a punishment.
I too think that he won't hang. He will get he cell next to manuel noriega. They are both dogs taken under the american govt/cia wing. They got spanked when they pulled too hard on their leashs.
I'm just going to throw this out there! What happened to all those "look a likes" Saddam had?? How do we know it's really him that to be executed???
Another conspriacy, I tell ya!!
The Iraqi High Tribunal today sentenced a combative Saddam Hussein and two other defendants to death by hanging for a brutal crackdown in 1982 in the Shiite town of Dujail. The five-member tribunal met amid heavy security and curfews to give its verdict, as authorities braced for violent reactions. The case now must be reviewed by a court of appeal.
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