During the many years of being a JW, I could never really bring myself to be exited about the CO's visit. This has been an issue that always kept me wondering back to religions. Why could not feel the same happiness that made everyone around me cry during the sunday service? Why could I not bring myself to go to others and tell them... exciting time that we have this coming up this month. The CO is coming, are you ready to be uplifted?
Well I can say that for the first time in my life, I am excited about the visit. Specially when I put the titles of the talks he will give in perspective with some of the comments brought forward here. (like the CO saying that soon of way of worship will be changed.)
The titles are as follows
1- See that you are not frightened - (alleging to Mathew 24:6)
2- The scene of this world is changing
3- something else about survival that I can not remember.
We'll see what happens