The NEW Watchtower t-shirt for ... everyone

by gordon d 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    I've just completed the design of our new shirt. This shirt will be perfect for all JW's... Active, Apostate, or fading!

    For the active JW on the go it reads, "I DONT THINK SO! ... I read the Watchtower"

    For everyone else, it says, "I don't think.... so I read the Watchtower"

    Just in time for Christmas!

    Who wants one?

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Here's the pic....

  • Sam87

    HAAHAHA! yeah i like that! how much are they? id be fully representin' if had one of those!

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Sorry! I've been giggling about this one all weekend... I crack myself up!

    Anyway... Looks like they'll be $16.50 plus $5.00 shipping
    If there's enough demand, we can get the price down a bit.

  • Sam87

    awesome! ill keep that in mind, i think my parents would find this quite amusing! lol, you'll probly sell a few of these

  • rebel8

    You might want to review

    Not worth such a big risk, IMO.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Very good, Gordon, but as Rebel says, don't put yourself at risk re copyright. If you are ok to go with them, good luck.

  • cyrus

    ha ha il love it and i want one ha ha ha

  • justsomedude

    Count me in for one.... Maybe 2. That would make a fine gift.

    It's just too bad that I would only be able to wear it at home with the blinds closed and all the lights off, since my street has become some sort of elder parade route.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Justsomedude....

    Hide in your room with the shades pulled??? Heavens no!

    The genius of this shirt (if I may use the term) is that you can wear it proudly anywhere. If someone questions you about it, just read it to them with the appropriate emphasis and pause.

    It was a violation to put these on JWD!!!
    They are NOT for sell through this forum, However, I will probably be putting these on eBay.

    Thanks for the concern about copyright enfringement... got it covered. The first rule of Graphic Design... C.Y.A.!!!

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