We found out this weekend that my doggie of 10 years has a tumor in her mouth. It got infected and swelled and that was the only way we knew anything was wrong. I took her for a biopsy this morning and was told by the vet, that he thought sending the biopsy off was a waste of money. He said he could tell by looking at it in such an advanced state that it was Cancer or bone disease, both of which will be fatal. He asked if he should wake her up. I just started balling and told him my hubby was out of town and I just couldn't make that decision on my own. I just don't know if I will have the strength to put her down. I don't know if I can do it. She seems so happy. The tumor hasn't affected anything, she runs, plays, jumps, eats just fine. If she were acting sick and like she felt bad it would be an easy decision, put her out of her pain. But she acts like nothing is wrong. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Any advice?
Dog Lovers? Sad day for me.
by unique1 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes I put my dog down. Now I wish I had not done so. My feeling is let her live until you notice her in pain, this way she is with you a little while longer.
Just my thoughts.
Wow I am so sorry let me know if I can do anything just try to hang in there
I would hate to lose our dog, and would try to keep him alive for as long as possible. If an animal is sufferring, then it's time to say goodbye, but if your dog seems to be in no pain, I would wait, at least until your husband come back.
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I sympathize with your dilemma, unique1.
IMO, if she's still enjoying her life, let her have as many good days as she can. When the time comes for euthenasia, it should be a joint decision by you and your husband.
I've gone through the same miserable process with pet birds over the years. Each time it gets more agonizing. I made the decision some time ago that if I outlive my parrot, no more pets. -
I am so sorry . . . . I wouldn't put her down until she starts showing signs of pain or discomfort.
Best Wishes.
I wouldn't put her down until she starts showing signs of pain or discomfort.
Ditto. I'm very sorry. A good friend has just had to have her dog put down because of a liver cancer. She's heartbroken, but when they start suffering and the vet says there's no hope then you have to say goodbye.
Thanks for the advice/support. I am taking her home today and waiting until my hubby comes home to make a decision. She has apparently lived with this for quite sometime and we just didn't know because, well, we just don't look in her mouth that often. I just dread telling the hubby when he calls and asks how everything went.
I don't have advice other than to make her last days the best ever. It's going to be the worst day ever when this happens to me and my dog. Some days they seem like our only friends don't they?