You Say I've Inherited What???

by Terry 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • unclebruce

    yeah you wanny be my pit pony on a pasty a day?


  • sammielee24

    Congratulations! What great luck and kudo's to one wise granny! sammieswife.

  • mama1119

    WOW!! For your sake I hope its legit!! Congrats!!

  • sass_my_frass

    Hey congratulations, I hope it's legit! Get a lawyer to check out any 'exploration fees' etc.

  • Quentin

    My buddy!!!....Hehehe...Alpheta gave some good advice...but, I know you'll unscrew every cap and pop open every lid you come across...far as I know the company in question is legit. It's not unusual for mineral rights to be retained by a seller. No matter how many times the property changes hands the seller who retained the rights and all heirs down the line benefit. A sharp land attorney will be your best bet...they can't do a thing till your signed on the dotted line...

  • Terry

    How much are you planning on giving the Watchtower Organization? Enough, would secure you a place on the ark no matter what your beliefs are!

    The Watchtower Org can have my LEFT BEHIND and my RIGHT BEHIND and that's all they get! :)

  • Terry
    So, you need to know with whom you are dealing. Turn it over to your attorney or better yet, one who specializes in leases of exploratory rights and royalties. A specialist in the field will be able to tell you whether the contract terms are kosher. If there is natural gas under that land, it's not going anywhere unless someone drills a well next store, so proceed at a deliberate pace.

    My ex-Father-in-Law use to work for the Securities and Exchange Commission and is currently an attorney for a large law firm here. He has had dealings personally with this company and says they are legit BUT you have to neotiate the MAXimum out of them or they will run a game on you for minimal bucks.

    I trust him implicitly inasmuch as he is the most honest person I've ever met (even though he is an attorney:)

  • Terry
    We got the first royalty check and it wasnt too big, but more was definitely on the way. Well guess what? Sometime after the first check we received another letter that stated that her great grandfather had been previously married and that his first set of children were entitled to the mineral rights. There was a small court battle that ensued but in the end they won out and we no longer got the royalties.

    That has to be the worst ever!! Damn!!

    Sorry to hear that. Its enough to make you disbelieve in Santa.

  • Carmel

    and Unca Bruce shows off his quano piles!

    Gawd! Some people just have no coooth!


  • Rabbit

    Railroad Commission



    These two sites are really good for getting up to speed on all the Gas Well drilling they are doing around here. The "Map Viewer" can be used to look at those 4 acres and find out which Drilling co. your neighbors have signed with. You can contact those people and find out what kind of deals they have worked out. You'll also see any active, proposed & permitted well sites.

    There is a layer of sedimentary rock called the Barnett Shale about 7,000' below this area. It is a huge discovery and Johnson County produces about the best gas in the whole deposit. The people who buy or lease mineral rights are required by law to track down, if possible, every single heir to the land and the mineral rights. Anything they do to the pipelines, roads, drill pad sites is something they have to get permission to do AND they must pay all the heirs for the privilege.

    In Johnson Co. the going rate can be as high as a 24% royalty rate and $2,000/acre upfront lease rights. It was less than 1/2 of that 2 years ago, but, with the proven yields...they'll pay thru the nose.

    Good Luck !


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