I found this picture of Otzi the Iceman , whose mummy was found in the Alps in 1991. He died about 5300 years ago. That would make him a close contemporary of Noah. Using only flint and copper tools , do you think this ancient man and his family could have built the Biblical Ark? This would really make a good story for MythBusters on Discovery TV. Chopping down just one tree with a copper axe and splitting it into boards seems like an impossible task for Otzi, let alone building an entire ship. And Noah would still need to work to feed and shelter his family during all this ,too. I think the manpower needed to cut , move and form the logs and then build an Ark would seem to have been a lot greater than the Bible describes. What do you think? Is anyone on JWDF an Anthropolgist with an opinion?
Would you trust this guy to build an Ark?
by moshe 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe that the last ice age ended 10 to 15,000 years ago.
Anyone who had to build a boat to survive may well have had the technology to do so then. Its quite possible that the technology of that time may well have rivalled our own.
This bloke was a bit short on technology 5,300 years ago.
I bet he could use MIcrosoft Excell better than me though.
I think that we under-estimate the ancient people and their technology. We only need to look at the Mayas and Eqyptians for instance. They did pretty well building those pyramids without a Black & Decker power drill.
Another interesting point about the building of the Ark, how did they waterproof the bottom of the ark. did they build it on stilts to enable them to get to the underneath?
Well, there were certainly boats back then. But, the technology to build a wooden boat to the dimensions specified in the bible doesn't even exist today. In fact, we now have the technology to know that a wooden boat of that size would never hold together.
Otzi does have one big advantage over Noah - Otzi actually existed.
He looks like some of my customers lmao They can't fix a car so I doubt he could build an ark. Then again appearances are deceiving hehe
Gill, if there was a society whose technology rivaled our own at any time in human history, we'd find evidence of it. We don't.
Oh come on now!
Don't you know Noah used Brontosauruses to bulldoze down the trees, and hired out Neanderthals to do the heavy lifting?
I mean, that's just basic Bible Interpolation 101!
The Egyptians were tossing together pyramids around the same time, so technology was probably in existence to do lots of stuff. But tech alone won't let you do the impossible.
There's a replica of the Santa Maria here in Columbus. It's a tiny devil in comparison to Noah's Box, and nicely rounded. In the bottom of the boat, there are serious structural beams running all over the place, eating up space. And this is a BOAT, specifically shaped to handle the pressure. Despite all this, there is a pump built into it for getting the water out, and there were boys on board whose job it was to continually re-grout the planks. No way could Noah and his family keep up with all the leaks, even if it COULD have held together. (Not even if they trained the monkeys to help!)
>>Otzi does have one big advantage over Noah - Otzi actually existed.
Loved this!
Otzi looks more like one of the animals brought aboard the ark than a builder of an ark.