Heartwarming experience from China

by What-A-Coincidence 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What-A-Coincidence

    !!!Gag Alert!!!

    Subject: Fwd: heartwarming experience from China

    An experience given by a Brother in a congregation up North
    "Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace." Psalm 29:11b I wanted to pass on an experience that was given at our meeting Thursday night. It's really good. it was on the part with the experiences with the brochure campaign. Steve Boettcher (brother giving the part) told us of a friend of his that lives in Guam (I think might work at the branch). He visited China for unrelated reasons. While he was there, knowing the brothers are under heavy bans, he decided to walk around with a tract in his pocket with it just sticking up enough so that Witnesses would know what it was. He was there and did this for a whole week. He got very discouraged, of course.

    When he was at the airport to leave a man walked up behind him and told him to not turn around (which he didn't). The man told him he was a brother. (not verbatim, but I will put it in quotes to tell it what he said)
    "What you did this week was very dangerous. If we identified ourselves to you, we could have also gotten in trouble. We have been following you around in case you were to get in trouble, we would try and help you. Before you get on your airplane, though, turn around to your left and you will see a group of men standing near the windows. They are your brothers too. They will not wave because that is also too dangerous. But please be assured that we are working hard for Jehovah, and please tell all the friends back home that we are, and we know they are, too."

    Needless to say, Brother Boettcher had a very difficult time telling the story on stage himself, and brought many of us to tears, as well. But I just thought everyone would like to hear about that since we don't hear much from China because of the bans.

  • Seeker4

    This has got a bit of the urban myth feel about it. A few things in there are just a bit too remarkable to ring true.

    Like most Witness experiences like this they are told third or fourth hand and can never be verified.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    It sounds like 100% bull$hit to me, like so many "experiences" I heard over the years.

  • Warlock


    Are you sure you didn't make this up yourself ?


  • What-A-Coincidence
    They will not wave because that is also too dangerous

    Oh please, give me break. How would anyone know who they are waving too?? Stupid Stupid Stupid

  • What-A-Coincidence


    I can come up with some BS but the Witness take the Cake.

    Michael Myers

  • Warlock

    Sorry Bro.

    It's just that I know you, and........................................


  • core

    Please excuse me whilst I vomit - what fantastists these people are - how would they know what a tract looked like? more sugar on the emotional blackmail pill - "and be sure to turn in your contributions so we can continue to support our brothers in etc etc"
    In a police state environment groups of unsmiling weirdos following a foreigner must be the basis for a film "Valley of the Dolls" or maybe "Village of the Damned" would make a really weird horror moview (but then the WT is a real life horror movie)

  • sir82

    An elder gave this experience during yesterday's WT study.

    He seemed to be choking up a bit as he gave - I was merely choking while trying not to regurgitate.

    I vote BS.

  • bigmouth

    and he wasn't approached by officials because of the 'two big guys' with him.

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