Has anyone been a victim of stalking for being a WT dissident?

by FuzzyPaul 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • FuzzyPaul

    I recently wrote a letter expounding the flaws of the Watchtower regarding their sexual abuse of children scandals, being in the United Nations, having been started by a FreeMason (with proofs) and while I didn't write it as an "Why I don't want to be a member anymore letter" no one would confuse it as a love letter either. I don't answer to the Watchtower's agents and they don't answer to me.

    What is seemingly happening is that I HAVE BEEN FOLLOWED since the letter was mailed to 4 ex-congregations I went to for long periods of time including the one I attended with my JW ex-wife. I believe that I might now be getting STALKED. Twenty years ago stalking happened to a local young JW woman after she accussed a sister of lesbian friendlinesses while staying away together. She was scared and freaked by the stalker and was later disfellowshipped for "immorality". Hmmm. How did they find out? Or was she set up for a blind date?

    Scientology is openly accused of stalking dissidents. I searched the web and could not find an instance of a stalking complaint against the Watchtower or Jehovah's Witnesses. Berry the pedophile, his ex-wife sued the WT and stalking was an issue but it didn't seem a prominent one.

    During my divorce from unfaithful first JW and never disfellowshipped for it wife I knew that I was followed on numerous occasions but attributed that to sour grapes and the usual private detective dirt collection practices in divorce cases. There was a strong element of intimidation by the PIs however. The information gathered by "dirt collection" is not useful in a divorce case BUT can be used to hurt a person if they are found to be involved in illegal activity. Also, if they are found to have a lover, "issues", ... they could be disfellowshipped by elders hostile to one party in the divorce. I grew a beard after the divorce. I didn't take any (of the mountain of) shit about wearing the beard. Elders waited until I re-married to disfellowship me. When I applied for re-instatement they wanted me to prove my repentence by shaving off my beard! I walked out without a word and later gave a five year old letter from the Brooklyn HQ saying that "no one should question me about my decision to wear a beard." I maintained that I felt that to be a promise and that they should not break WT promises - for what little they could be worth.

    Also, I was openly watched and followed around a St Petersburg FL convention by a couple of young dudes and was hockey shoved in the aisles by one of them. One big fluffy beard can really irk some folks, no? A friend, Wilt, was hounded out of the WT for beard growing. But I don't think this could be about my facial hair.

    Has anyone ever felt they were being stalked by someone working for and likely paid by the Watchtower or a JW? Has anyone ever discerned that they were being systematically followed or investigated, by private detectives, scum bags, "good-for-nothing-men-of-the-marketplace"?

    I don't bother anyone, but have been vocal about grievances over goofy doctrine, poor scholarship and I grew a big fluffy beard. I even commented at WT studies against WT ideas. And I grew that big fluffy beard and went to the K.Hall for ten years with it. IF the WT / JWs ARE stalking me there aren't ANY grounds. Why would a religion pay for a protection scheme or to provoke someone with psychological abuse or cause another undue concern for one's safety? The essential element of crimes such as assault and stalking is the causing of apprehension. Apprehension exists when someone feels that actual harm may happen to them or someone they care for. Criminal Stalking statutes seem to require that a threat of harm must be made and then someone is observed following / stalking. The crime comes from the real or apparent use of any sort of threat of harm.

    Anyway, I felt that I was being observed by an older guy in a BurgerKing. He left, stayed at his car door for a minute or two, got in and drove to hide behind a tree. Then he drove off west. I waved at him when he had gone some distance. Only someone watching their rear view mirror would have seen it at that distance. I went east. He circled the block and came from another way to where I now was as I traveled home and pulled into a side road and then u-turned out to continue following me. I waved again and pulled into my bank and went in to write down his description and tag #. He didn't follow me into the bank. Maybe he was a gay guy (with all due respect to homosexuals because of posting guideline #2) looking for a date but I hope to NOT see anyone else act distinctly interested in my whereabouts or travels. Private detectives are dead-in-the-water once they are observed and IDed which is why I waved the two times. A gay guy might have pulled into the bank. A P.I. wouldn't because most banks have surviellance in the parking areas that could photograph them and be used by law enforcement to ID them.

    A person isn't paranoid if they really are being persecuted.

    Regards to all ex JWs. Don't leave Jesus, he didn't start the Watchtower. Find Christ centered worshippers. Read non-WT re-written bibles. Their is no NEW WORLD in the BIBLE. A NEW WORLD ORDER is part of Free-Masonry the club of choice for CT Russell. Is the WT a front for a Free-Mason based "Christian" religion?

  • JWdaughter

    I have heard of a brother-ex, anyway, being stalked in Norway or some cold country up north. I think he has a website. Sorry not to have more info.

    I will say that they don't need to pay anyone to harrass you in this way. The only slaves in the organization are the kool-aid drinkers, and they are legion. All those nice young men that want to be appointed, you know! Conscientious elders and MS. What did you actually believe about the religion to stay involved for 10 years in an acrimonious relationship with the WT organization? Why keep going to meetings? I am curious. Good luck.

  • FuzzyPaul

    Dear JW daughter,

    Stupidity. Naivete. Complete brain-washing (See a dictionary for the real meaning) from infancy and the usual ideas that Jehovah will fix it... Some fanaticism and bad apples is granted as well. I wrote again and again trying to reform their ideas and teach others more correctly. Not very productive but necessary. But I more and more left off being a Watchtower devotee and this summer LEFT for good after getting over the dire warnings against reading "apostate writings" and "apostates internet sites" stuff. Oh my, WOW they are really BAD, I freaked because I know it is 99% all true. All the elements of the allegations of scandals were known to me but the meat of them was not. Never, ever again. Sorry. I'm feeling much better now.

    Loving regards,


  • abbagail

    Hi FuzzyPaul: You should do some searching to see if you can find a former poster around these parts, Undisfellowshipped. I believe he had similar experiences as to what you are describing.

    Go read this post at my yahoogroup, and see if you can relate to anything this guys says... it may shed some light as to the real culprits (as you have already mentioned in your post at the bottom...):


  • zev

    hello paul.... i dont think we have met, but it is interesting that what you describe is what has been happening to me,......STALKING! 5 YEARS OUT AND ONLY NOW AM I BEING STALKED! some woman fro Lincoln RI congregation is stalking me. I don't know her (although I grew up here) and has been here on many occations prying my fiance for information about me. Gwen (my fiance) will not provide any answers so this past saturday, she showed up again (while i was at work) Gwen would not answer the door. she is tired of this game. I am too. I owe no one anything, I did my time, i served, its over. i want to be left alone. I want to confront these people who are coming here, but I realize i cant control my temper (only abut jw's and what happened to me and my family) and bad things could happen. so i have taken a different approach. this is what she will be greeted with the next time they come here:

    I figure that should send them running and if it doesn't.....a phone call to the local police telling them pedophiles are knocking on door will. I've had it with these cultists.

  • zev

    btw if anyone wants copies of the files that you can print and proudly display, just pm me your email (wich i will keep private) and i'd be happy to send them to you.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Fuzzy Paul Welcome to JWD

    Zev now that's cool!


  • carla

    Have a friend video tape it and put it on youtube explaining how whacky the jw's are! And don't forget a nice closeup of your beard!

  • garybuss

    I was followed by Witness group members when I was 21 years old in 1965. They'd sit for hours and stake out my house. I was living in an apartment in a tri-plex in Vermillion, SD at the time.

    The guy who ran the group then was in Yankton, SD and I put him on my enemy list for life.

    I have a friend who's an ex elder who told me stories of staking out motels and following people to try to catch them sinning. The investigative teams no doubt sometimes get a little zealous in the approach to information gathering.

    High control groups tend to use high control behaviors.

  • misguided


    I was stalked by elders in the Willoughby Congregation in Langley BC

    My CRAZY second husband had them believing that I was having an affair with my disfellowshipped first husband when he came by to pick up the kids for his visitation. On at least 3 occasions, I saw them sitting in a car watching my house, I think to see if it was true. It always seemed to happen during a scheduled access time. It was completely UNTRUE!!!

    My CRAZY second husband (who I married for all the wrong JW reasons) has now served a 30-day sentence and 1 year probation for threatening and harassing myself and my family. The j-dubs still appear to be on his side.

    IDIOTS!! Jehovah's really flowin' that holy spirit on them that they have to resort those kind of measures to get their "proof."


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