Hi again all,
I remember how the friends used to snicker when the subject of life insurance was raised. In fact, I rememebr on student talk at a Circuit Assembly for which the chosen setting was ``witnessing to an insurance salesman.'' Basically, the msg was that ``we don't need your product, since we plan to live forever.''
It wasn't too long ago that the friends look askance at JW couples who bought houses rather than mobile homes or paid rent.
Ah the scene of the (Watchtower) world is changing indeed. These viewpoints have gone the way of the AAA groupies (old-timers remember the young ladies who would proudly emblazon AAA --``Available After Armageddon'') on their convention badges. What's next? JW baby boomers buying burial plots? Horrors!
I pity anyone who takes Brooklyn's advice seriously.