religion is a snare and a racket .....
Every Religion is False!
by rezrez 40 Replies latest jw friends
So I reason: if God is cutting slack to the JWs for their error, why is he not cutting slack to other religions too since they are all wrong in varying degrees?
I so agree with this comment. JW's say that they have the "truth" and that Jehovah is directing them. Then when they get something wrong and you say something they look at you all crazy eyed and say "Well, they are just imperfect men."
I say, well, if that is true for the JW's then it must be true for the Pope and any other religious leader that says they are directed by God.
I agree that all religions have some false teachings in them. The decision then lies with each person to decide if they can live with the false teachings. If you want to be involved in religion then fine, enjoy it and get what you need out of it.
When I first left, I wanted all of the answers, I was looking for the real "Truth". I wanted answers from everyone on how to live my life, wanted to be told what is right and what is wrong. Then, I came to the decision that I didn't need anyone or any religion to guide me. I would do the best that I could on my own. Others have chosen to follow a religion whether it be Christian or non-christian. To each his own. You have to do what works for you.
gordon d
HMMM....let's see? Something about that statement sounds VERY familiar?????? -
That's why this site is so much fun , it's a cult about not being in a cult .LOL
Whats so bad about the Jehovah Witnesses? What were they hiding? (Besides the 1914-1975 events.)
I don't believe in religion at all, and even most of the bible I think is false, the rest taken with a grain of salt.
I think the one good thing about my time as a dub, was learning specifically WHY all religion is false. Once you realize, no religion dosn't mean NO GOD, and the bible is false, you realize, hey................mabey God IS a way cooler person that you think, to creat us this way, with the things we love, he must love the same things as us.
Music, food, fun, humour, friends...etc.......being NON-judgmental...................that is the one thing in the bible that I think IS dead be happy and have peace.........NOT judeg ourselves, or ANYONE esle.
But of course following common sense by doing unto others as we would have done to us as well. Just common sense really.
I see. Well to all the EX JW: Did you guys leave to another religion, you guys just stop being religious altogether?
I went to enough BEFORE I was adub, and studied a lot WHILE I was a dub to jus knowreligion is a crock.
I really like what the bleep, though, and Converations with God.
Very practical, and simple. Makes sense with out any inner conflict like with religion.
rezrez - assuming you are not here to have a laugh, which I am undecided about...
Religion has been referred to as the ‘opium of the people.’ Choosing a religion is like choosing which drug to become addicted to. Many people have no need for drugs and see them as harmful and so avoid them.
Those that feel a need for a drug to help them through life will find the one that suits them best.
My point is, that there is no such thing as a true of false religion any more than there is a true or false drug. They all do much the same but some are more addictive and dangerous than others. If you apply this principle to religion you will then be in a position to make a choice.
Of course before choosing a religion it is best to define what we mean by God. That is a whole different subject.
Whats so bad about the Jehovah Witnesses? What were they hiding? (Besides the 1914-1975 events.)
I suggest you start a thread on that and be ready for about 20 pages of very long replies .LOL