I got the tract!

by kittyeatzjdubs 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We haven't had one, nor do we expect one. I do believe this is the last week of the campaign, so I expect they will be reviewing all their "exciting" experiences at a service meeting soon.

  • XU

    Man! When am I going to get one? I want a pack for stocking stuffers!

  • ZazuWitts

    Kitty, you are sooo right - twice now, I have found small stacks or them in waiting rooms - One an orthotists (20) and yesterday while waiting for my son to get an oil change (about 10). Some very lazy witlesses, me thinks. Yet, I agree with the poster who commented that at thier next assembly they will hype this tract campaign as a major success (NOT)

  • new boy
    new boy

    Yea ------------did you read it? It said you can spot the true religion "by the Love among themselfs" note the word THEMSELFS if your not in the group-------- your hated! It also said "they (the ones in the group that is) would DIE for each other.If you leave the group or worse disagree, They wouldn't walk across the street to piss on you if your on fire! -----------HA!------- Christ love action.


  • D in Dallas
    D in Dallas

    We were home today (I work at home) and the guy who comes over to work out with me and my wife says "look what was in your door"....my office has a door to the outside and my doors open alot of the time and they STILL sneaked it on our porch without me seeing...it had to be between 9:30 and 9:55....crazy....my wife has been waiting for years to go at it with them.

  • Gordy

    From what I was told , was that each JW would get 50 tracts at least each. They were to only to give them to people who basically, answered a door to them. Probably so they can do their little presentation about the tract.

    "Good morning, we'd like to give you this tract telling you that you are going to be destroyed at Armageddon. Because you're not nice, loving Jehovah's Witnesses like us." (Well it cuts all the crap out)

    But it seems many are finding them just posted through doors or left somewhere like waiting rooms etc. Probably because if they were to place them as supposed to, then it could take a long time. Due to the fact they rarely get anyone at home these days. If I remember rightly from a past similar campaign brothers/sisters had them in their bags for months afterwards.

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