Does anyone know if after divorcing a spouse for reasons other than adultery, although adultery may be suspected, if I would be free to marry a witness if my ex spouse was in a relationship or remarried someone else after the divorce..Ive heard different versions and am not sure
remarriage after divorce
by luffy 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the United States, if the divorce is final, either party is free to marry again.
I know..but from a witness point of view?
Do what ya want. If the Witnesses shun ya, delete them from your speed dial and from your will.
According to JW rules, if your ex spouse is in a relationship you would be free to remarry. That being said, some bodies of elders apply the rules according to their own whim. A lot depends on whether or not you are liked by them.
Go with Gary's advice. If the law of the land says you're free, then do as you please. The watchtower does not have authority above the law of the land.
My understanding is that if she is in another relationship, i.d. not married again you have to have PROOF of sexual relations (used condoms????) but if she is married you can assume the marriage has been consumated and you are free!!
This past summer, while I was still an elder, a case actually came up.
A sister in our congregation eloped. The guy was divorced for over 10 years.
Our elders actually made a big deal of it and decided to investigate whether
he was "scripturally" free to marry our sister. What a joke. I said "He and
his exwife are worldly, what are the odds that they haven't had sex with
someone els in 10 years?" Not good enough for those boys. I said I would
have nothing to do with it.Turns out, they could never find out if the exwife gave him his "scriptural" freedom
because she has been dead for a few years. What a bunch of mopes they must
have looked like peering into someone's life like that.Tell the elders nothing except this, "We are scripturally free to remarry." Then if
they want specifics, don't give it to them, even if it's favorable to their inquiry.
Stick with "We are scripturally free to remarry. Yes, I know what that means." -
surely if his ex wife was dead he was scripturally free to marry anyway
See BOE letter 7/20/98, page 2. I dont have a link but someone else I am sure will have. Whether or not this still holds 8 years later, I dont know.
surely if his ex wife was dead he was scripturally free to marry anyway
Ya think?