They say money is the root of all evil.
It goes deeper than that.
Selfishness is the root of 'most' evil.
I say most because, even though one person sees something as evil, another does not.
A person that washes thier hands with antibacterial soap could be considered evil. They killed millions of bacteria.
And there is unintentional evil, such as Bush bombing innocent civilians. It is up to the people wronged whether it was evil, or a complete accident.
Mental illness can play a part. A psychopath might kill someone, and not realize it's wrong.
Personally, I think any harm done to another human being, and especially killing them, is evil. If it was an accident, you can be forgiven. And if it was in self defense, or in the defense of another, it can be forgiven.
But devil? I doubt if there was, he would have thought up nuclear bombs...
The argument--whether or not the Devil exists
by The wanderer 23 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, The Wanderer. You start these threads and they are moderately interesting. But rarely do I see you actually engaged much with the threads you start.
What is your purpose for these threads? Are you asking because you're curious? Are we here to appease that curiousity? Are you getting something out of this?
Perhaps you could:
- Answer the same questions that you are asking us, if not immediately, after a number of responses have been made
- Engage your audience more rather than just throwing some items out to see who bites. (I'm not saying you never respond, but you don't very often.)
I guess I'm feeling a lot of take from you with regards these threads you start, but not much give. That's all.
Considering the evil men do Yes I believe there is a devil
Hambeak, why take the focus away from these 'evil men' by invoking a Devil? It's not the Devils fault that Saddam ordered the massacre of thousands, it's Saddams.
I like to think about this question in regards to cults like the JWs, Mormons, Branch Dividians, etc, etc. I.e., we have all, or many of us have experienced this weird veil that settles over our minds and hearts when in the midst of a cult. Somehow, the WTS and other cults can build a religion of false prophecy, lies, false doctrine, etc., and many members stay loyal to the organization no matter what. In each cult there is always a small group (i.e.,GB) or even just one person (i.e.,David Koresh) that controls the organization. Are these small groups of cult leaders absolute genius masterminds that are able to enslave 6-7 million people, or in the case of Mormons 12-13 million? Are these guys just pure evil genius' who have perfected the best mind control techniques in the world? Or, is this proof of the devil?
Personally, I don't give that much credit to man. I think the pure evil genius behind these organizations is the devil.