Personal Relationship?

by Carmel 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat
    I keep hearing all the time about having a "personal relationship with Jesus" as the solution to leaving the Witlesses.

    I don’t see it that often on this board, and I would not say so myself. Even though I am a "Born Again" Christian with a vital relationship with Christ. I think it is very important for someone coming out of a controlling organization like the Watchtower Society that they NOT give over their belief system to any other group. Any time soon.

    It is much better for an exiting witness to spend time processing what happened to them. Do some exploration on your own with very little outside interference. What matters to you? Build your life around that.

    How much of what is called a "personal relationship" is mere (sic) emotional attachment to a composite set of idealized notions, with a generous sprinkling of filling in the blanks?

    I call myself "rescued", because I heard the audible voice of God advising me to leave my violent and abusive ex-husband. That was enough for me. My relationship with God is much more than a composite set of idealized notions.

  • LittleToe


    LT I dont think you can compare a relationship here with you and having one with Jesus.

    That would be your perogative, but I call it what I call it.

    I dont think you would call it a relationship, if I constantly, everyday read your old posts and you never posted again for a few years. If I asked you questions and you never answered me. I would give up trying to contact you

    I agree. In that and similar situations you don't have a relationship with that individual. That's one reason why I don't think that the WTS is a Christian organisation, as it eschews even attempting to do such a thing with Christ.

    All I can say is I called, he answered and keeps answering, ergo I have a personal relationship.

    I'm a simple man. I prefer relationships

    Have you been listening to Billy Graham and/or the God channel?

    Hambeak / Jgnat:

  • mouthy

    I would give up trying to contact you

    Is that what you DID????.... The only way I can explain MY personal relationship is. After I was kicked out. I was SO in the depths of dispair.....Then I went to a convention where there were many others that had also been D/F ---they were telling me of THEIR personal relationship[( I thought they were all nuts) But so many of them were really loving, caring, not pushing their beliefs on me. I listened & said in my soul"I wish I had what they have" At that very moment Alton Pitts ( the speaker) said" there is a JW in here that would like to KNOW the LORD Jesus Christ.If your heart is pounding & you have been praying to know him,come & let us pray for you" Well I did go to the front,,,,,,,,, & I am going to tell you ( you dont KNOW me so dont know if I am nuts or not>>>>OH well maybe some of my posts prove I am ) But that Night I invited Jesus to come into my life I admitted I am a sinner & I can do nothing at this point in my life to help me get over my 25 years of slavery.....I have never been the same ..MY life is a constant.....I talk to Jesus often through the day!!! night, in troubles & pain But I am convinced I am "IN HIS CARE"

    WELL guess this will close the thread....But it is TRUE!!!!!

  • trevor

    I think that the whole Jesus thing is a decoy, designed to distract us from the Truth.

    Father Christmas is the promised one, the real hero. He brings children presents and is kind to his reindeer animals. The clues are in the Bible, ‘All good things come from the Father.’ ‘Only the Father knows how to give good gifts.’

    He is The One that was Sent Forth. The opposite to The Thief in the Night. ‘The light that shines in the darkness.’ ‘The voice crying out in the wilderness.‘ Christmas is even named after him - for Christ’s sake!

    All this talk about Christ’s second coming. Second! Old Santa has been coming every year for thousands of years and we can actually see him - in all good stores.

    By the way - I have a personal relationship with Father Christmas. I have invited him into my life and talk to him every day. I pity all you sad people who are unable to let yourselves believe as I do. You see he is real to me - as real as I choose to make him.

  • LittleToe

    Next thing you'll be telling us is that Rudolf really does have a red nose! Pull the other one, it's got sleigh-bells on it!

  • Brigid

    You proffer some interesting POV's here. I have a slightly different perspective on Jesus, colored by all my experiences from viewing him as the witnesses viewed him, studying him a bit through Catholic eyes (with a nun, no less!), then from a rabbinical Judaic POV. In the end, my perspective is just that: my perspective as yours is yours, his is his, and hers is hers.

    I know not a few "facts" about Jesus that lead me to believe that he was not moshiach (messiah).

    I know an even larger "Truth", however, that he is indeed moshiach to millions around the world.

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