Why the number of "anointed" will never decrease...

by dozy 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    In the early days the American JWs that had a "heavenly calling" out numbered the rest of the world. I don't know if that has changed. But I always thought to myself ... why in the world would God want the Americans to rule as princes anywhere! If that was not cause to question the religion, I don't know what is!!!!

    Good point LG.

    Just in general - US witnesses make up about 1:6 of all witnesses in the world, or nearly 17%. Yet the US population is only about 5% of the worlds. Why would God choose more heavily from one nation? That never made sense to me at all. Does not the Bible say that 'With God there is no partiality"?


  • lovelylil

    The fact that the number of "anointed" has stayed constant for decades or increased slightly certain years was documented in my DA letter to the elders. Like many here, when I sat down and looked at the numbers they simply did not add up.

    And I hate to break the JW's bubble but there is no such thing as the JW view of being "anointed". All members of the body of Christ can pray and ask for Holy Spirit and for the most part, they recieve it.

    The vast majority of JW's (including me at one time) do not realize that by not partaking of Christ's body and blood at their memorial - they are rejecting him completely and are saying themselves that they are NOT in his body. There are some other groups (BS) that have a similiar teaching. Although BS do not say the door to heaven is closed yet - they limit the number going to 144,000 also. Both these groups got this teaching from Russell. And this false teaching is simply to set up a class distinction in the body of Christ. Both these groups teach there is one greater group of Christians and one less great group. And that the greater ones (only 144,000) will rule over the others some day. Whereas the bible teaches no such thing. Lilly

  • Sunspot

    Raising my hand and waving madly.....

    I KNOW what became of ONE of these "annointed Ones"!!!!! I was invited to an evening "worship night" at a local church last Sunday evening.....and she came in and sat down in the pew in front of me. Needless to SAY, I was MORE THAN surprised!!! The last I had heard about her before I left the WTS....was that she was special-pioneering and very active in WTS endeavors!

    She spoke to me after the service and said she has been "out" for two years now!

    The surprises just keep on happening!


  • LanDi

    Well, interesting point. In Blackpool (England) We had two annointed - one recently passed away (2.5 years ago) and the other was close to death.(they're all getting on you see) According to Scripture the remaining annointed will be carried straight to heaven at Armageddon - so there must be some left.The latest JW teaching is that therefore Armageddon is imminent within the next couple of years as they are all old and decrepid. Well, I can see that being revised - it seems the WTS is hinting at 2030/40 for Armageddon in its publications recently - as they are repeatedly comparing Now to Noahs day (subtle hints) The great crowd is the new flock, not the annointed who have all now been chosen. I will get a year book and check the figures - probably.

    But, In the Michael Jackson case, a member of the Annointed appeared on a TV chat show to show support for him, and he didn't look older than 50/55 or less. Look up on the NET - Michael Jackson JW in good standing.

  • badboy


  • james_woods

    It has been years (literally 30+) since I had to take part in an "annointed count". This was in the US, 1970s.

    As best I recall, we counted anybody who was baptized and in good standing. I believe this was by Society instruction. If it was just a street walkin or a disgruntled DF-ee, it didn't count.

    In reality, even then, there was a secret "real annointed" vx. "phony annointed" mindset amoung the elders. The anomoly of the numbers was beginning to look bad, (30 years ago!!!) and elders discussed this in the back room meetings. There were two main theories -

    a} people just get confused, old, or maybe they are crazy.

    b} maybe Satan is using certain vain-glorious people in the org to mess up our precious numbers decline.

    Loud thumping noises, but nobody wanted to admit the tire was flat, or get out and change it.

  • Sunspot

    I wonder too! I'm sure the WTS had a handle on this, too! (NOT!)

    Okay.....She had been baptized, DFed for about ten years, had a son, got reinstated and got married, and spent the next few years spec-pioneering in another congregation when I heard she had began "partaking" just before I left the WTS. I'm not even sure she was taken seriously by then, but we see that these have to be "counted" each year anyway....she's in her 40's by now I'd say.....

    What a weird way of doing things (the WTS) and deciding who is "annointed" or not.....stuff like this that I/we used to take with a grain of salt....that NOW doesn't make ANY SENSE (common or otherwise) to me/us now .....it's amazing.

    The WTS has answers for everything....even though they aren't the RIGHT answers.....


  • parakeet

    Annie: "I KNOW what became of ONE of these "annointed Ones"!!!!!......She spoke to me after the service and said she has been "out" for two years now!"


  • OnTheWayOut
    a friend who is a missionary in Africa says that virtually all new JWs are convinced of their anointed status

    To be fair (like that's what's going on), the number of heavies in the borg are from USA, so to catch up, these countries that enter the game later should have a high number of anointed.

    Reality- the First-Century Christians were all invited to make up the anointed crowd, and they would have totally filled the 144,000.

    JW reality- They will continue to replace GB members that pass away with newer anointed, so they will allow the bogus count to remain constant or drop very slowly.

  • james_woods

    I am still kind of leaning to an eventual "new light of reconstruction" on this - sort of like the ones on "generation" and "7000 year creative day".

    Some ways:

    a} - Just let everybody partake - say the annointed just kind of know who they are and so does the GB. GB invites their loyal companions to do a "lesser partake" - maybe they could eat the dry crumbs and leave behind the wine for the priesthood.

    b} - Say that only the "real annointed i.e.Governing Body candidates" really partake, but quit counting numbers of partakers because that is a "distraction" and invites "unqualified persons".

    c} - Proclaim that all the annointed are gone now, somehow support that from some weird chain of "scriptural chronology", and so now nobody should partake. Of course, this begs the question of why are they doing the memorial in the first place.

    d} - fudge the numbers in a downward spiral for a few years, then end up with one of the a..b..c.. scenarious. This would lessen the shock wave.

    e} - start beating up on the R&F about "false partakers" and "drinking blood to yourselves if you are unworthy". Repeat until total submission occurs.

    If they still have 8000 partaking in 2014, there will be some explaining to do.

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