UK BBC JW NO BLOOD "Our Big Decision"

by DannyHaszard 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • technics1200

    i know the family involved

    they are in my cong.

    mother left df'd hubby,re-married very very rich banker they live 1 mile from me in big house

    i grew up with the children

    glad to see kristie is okay, havent seen her for a while. - i remember the day she was born , lovely cheerful little girl

    they dont go meetings now

    pm me for details.


  • Gill

    How utterly bizarre!

    Not 'Real' dubs, in the usual fanatical sense, and by the looks of it avoiding blood transfusion mainly because of the 'bogey man' that the Society has made blood out to be.

    No liason committe, elders, friends, or other JWs there to help her.....(but then what do you expect?)

    Very strange. Not at all surprised to hear that they no longer go to meetings. I suspect that saying they were JW was just a way of preventing a blood transfusion for disease reasons rather than spiritual reasons.

    But that's just my opinion as they were like NO JW I've ever had the misfortune to know!

  • slimboyfat

    Very nice girl - she has all the normal desires and aspirations that would need to be suppressed were she a regular Witness. I wish her all the best.

    So what's all this JW "nominalism" all about? Who in their right mind is not prepared to go to meetings, but is prepared to put their life on the line for a dogma? I guess such things just become deeply ingrained. It may be ironic, but I reckon it is quite common for marginal Witnesses who regularly flaunt rules such as birthdays and meeting attendance to refuse blood simply because it is such a stark choice and not possible to believe you are sitting on the fence when faced with it as with some other things. Among serious sins there is not supposed to be a hierarchy, but I reckon taking blood is commonly viewed as about the worst thing you can do - almost as bad as apostasy and certainly worse than sexual sins, smoking, gambling or stealing.

    Not to be too cynical but would the story have been as appealing to the TV producers if there was not the JW "no blood" element? The mother has a book she is hoping to sell after all!

    To me the "no blood" aspect was marginal to the real story.


  • Gill

    Whats odd about this story, in JW terms, is that this young girl is NOT a JW and by the way she behaved and spoke, never would be a Witness, but still had her life put on the line for Watchtower policy.

    What's 'funny' about this story is that the already spectacularly wealthy mother, is after a book deal on this story!

    I wonder where she learnt that little trick, that printing crap makes cash?

    This child could have died for a policy that she didn't even believe in a few months later.

    That's a lesson for all Doctors, Judges, and medical staff who are dealing with the children of Jehovah's Witnesses.....'If you follow the parents instructions you may be allowing a child to die for something they don't even want to believe in but are forced by their parents to agree to!'

  • technics1200

    Weird really

    they never ever go to meetings...

    krystie i havent seen for years there...

    but, her uncles are all elders and pioneers so they get off the hook with everything. always have always will

    damn, molvia (mother) made out she had a halo above her head. funny that, one minute shes pledging allegiance to the borg, but she was the one who was knocking off the rich guy whilst she was still married and the elders turned a blind eye and said it was gossip.

    joker. lol

  • technics1200

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